申请8NEAR 奖金,用于初次在 Mintbase.io 主网上部署NFT店铺 【已截止】


微信ID:765634701 推特:https://twitter.com/bojinbo007? S = 21
我想出售我的一些 NFT 照片,我希望我能加入你提议的平台。

  1. NEAR 账号:nguyentien65.near
  2. 推特:https://twitter.com/im_tien65
  3. NFT店铺描述:艺术创作和衍生产品开发永远是NFT未来的发展方向,期待尽快加入您的平台发布作品。

你好,请问你使用微信吗,Mintbase 有微信中文社区,请加入社区参与讨论。


你好,请加Mintbase 微信中文社区,参与社区讨论。



感谢留言,请到 NEAR_CODAME 中文 DAO ` 提交 8 NEAR 的支付申请,步骤如下:

  1. 选择“ADD NEW PROPOSAL",即提交一个新的申请;
  2. “Target”一栏填写您的NEAR钱包账户地址;
  3. “Job/proposal description” 一栏请用中文填写您申请资金的用途;
  4. ”Please copy and paste the forum link here“ ,请将您的回帖链接复制粘贴到此栏;
  5. ”Payout in NEAR“:请填写金额,例如 8 (NEAR)

NEAR 账号:hiloge.near

微信ID:hailongboy; 推特:xu_hiloge;微博:还没上路的野人


  • NEAR 账号:sleepy0x13.near
  • 社交媒体账号:
    微信ID:18511584687; 推特:0x13BlockBeats;
  • NFT店铺描述:主要的作品风格为算法生成艺术、分形艺术
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NEAR 账号:woocryptoartist.near







NEAR 账号:chinacharitydao.near

申请8NEAR 用于 “china_charity_dao”(中国慈善DAO) 在Mintbase.io 部署 NFT 公益拍卖商店, 拍卖所得将自动转账至china_charity_dao, 所有款项将捐赠至河南省慈善总会, 用于为河南受灾群众募集灾后生活物资,支持河南洪水灾区救援行动所需物资、 开展防灾减灾宣传活动及灾后重建、安置。

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Well done! Thank you for your contribution~ :tada: :hearts:

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Requesting 8N payout to Chinese Art association: byicaa

  1. NEAR 账号:wangjie.near
  2. 机构网址:


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Hi, has this been paid ? :slight_smile:

NEAR 账号:dylantse.near

微信ID:nakaya_ 推特:dylantse.near B站:哓妖君


店铺地址:0x911.mintbase1.near - Mintbase Store

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sorry I don’t speak chinese…

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@marianeu Hey, Maria. Yes this has been paid out!

You can view it from the link below:

However 2 proposals(#19;#20) unable to get payout due to the lack of funding in the DAO.

They are both verified artists.

Since Astro DAO is launching soon. We are gonna close this DAO and move to Astro, council member will need to be adjusted as well. will keep you posted!

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Hi @iotachan

so you have your own Dao, the near codame china DAO, right? I asked my colleagues and they told me you were funded through createbase to be a chinese community manager before, right?

So now my question is - does the funding problem from your dao have a relation to the createbase Dao? I never heard of Daos funding Daos, but I might just be ignorant to that…

Yes, I think moving to Astra is a good idea! Hope to hear from you soon :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Hi Maria,

  • Yes I am Chinese community manager for mintbase, Spunik-DAO was a great managing tool.

  • hundreds of DAOs are active on Spunik V1 & V2; “near-codame-China” is one of them :slight_smile: “near-codame-China” was founded to activate Mintbase Chinese community; help onboarding artist. @peter and @starpause and myself are council members

  • This forum post was intended to mirror createbase events [Bounty] Mainnet NFT Store Deployment - 8 NEAR The original createbase post was closed on Jun 25th.

  • DAO funding a another DAO is normal. it been done this way in multiple occasions! The lack of funding is just the mission has come to an closure and we’d like to move on. Council member @peter and @starpause both moved on to other projects.

  • Should we leave this topic open; Will need to adjust council member and make an new proposal for funding.

  • Moving forward I hope to have council member be paid by 10%-15% of the total funding, for their excellent job on managing the DAO, voting, and engaging.

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Hey @iotachan

We are not simply funding the creation of stores for individual people.We just fund collectives or businesses who want to bring their business to blockchain.

We are still very much in need for a chinese community manager. Did you make any progress in finding one? Its not an easy task for us as we are not inserted in chinese social media etc…

Thank you