1. Bolsa de Criação Demonstra -(BCD) August 2022

1. Bolsa de Criação Demonstra - August (BCD)

Curatorial Monitoring Stage and Media Communication Strategies

After we have selected and approved the artist João Racy who will be awarded the “Bolsa de Criação Demonstra (BCD)” , we will start the work relevant to the follow-up of the artist’s project together with the curator responsible for directing the work. Meetings will be held to evaluate, guide and support the artist’s work.

Details of the profile and project presented by the artist:


The present proposal seeks to enable the realization of two works (a video and an installation), which will be produced in two stages, between the months of August and September 2022. The first stage will take place in the city of Sorocaba, in the interior of the state of São Paulo, and the second in the region of the Atacama Desert, in Chile.

Period (Chile): 01 to 30/09/2022 (1 month)

Place: Centro de Residências Artísticas Isla - ISLA - BIENAL SACO

Organizer Institution: Corporación Cultural SACO -

First artist selected for the Demonstra Creation Fellowship Program : BOLSA DE CRIAÇÃO DEMONSTRA - RACY - Google Docs

João Paulo Racy @joaoracy

August cost Summary:

Production - Project report and planning / Curatorial follow-up meetings between the artist and curator Daniel Moraes for project conceptualization and guidance: 300 USD

BCD Communication & Promotion - Demonstra on social media about the BCD / Publicity about the first artist selected for the BCD / 4 instagram posts + 4 twitter posts + 4 facebook posts are planned: 250 USD / Paid boost from: 100 USD

Design for Social Media BCD - 250 USD

Sub-total: 900USD

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