Sandbox[October] Project(SputnikDAO twitter management) reward claim [Jiten |#1825]

It is the third month of collaborating with SputnikDAO under the supervision of @starpause to manage SputnikDAO’s Twitter account as per instructions here, and you can check more details about the project here.

As a result, we gained 836 followers this month(It is still 7-8 days before the end of October), where I found growth in impression and also the conversion rate is relatively high compared to last month, and you can check the stats of 23-October-2021 here .

The total reward I’m expecting for this task is 1000USD in NEAR token

 NEAR Wallet ID: jiten1.near
 Wallet owner’s name: Jitendra Naik

Sorry, my friend, this is not a matter of followers because growth in followers needs a considerable amount of effort in the back-end, and followers are the result of my effort. If you want, then you could check the average salary of a social media manager here.


Oh, sorry . I got you wrong …

no issue :blush: I appreciate your question.

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Hi, approved from OWS moderator

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Please check my DAO request here

Your claim will be approved soon by moderators

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