This Report is to recap the Community Calls for December 2021 on Telegram
December Calls:
Dec 11th 2021
Major updates for the community regarding changes in leadership and council as well as updates on all the proposals that have been accepted for December funding.
Dec 21st 2021
More updates directly from the community, from members who have had projects funded. Reminder to submit proposals for January submissions and answering questions from members.
Proposed Improvements:
Telegram has been great! Maybe one thing we can do is to create a visual for this to promote it to a wider audience across social media. I feel like it’s better to wait until we settle our internal stuff first though.
January Call Dates:
- January 8th (Call #21)
- January 24th (Call #22)
Request Payout for December - $100 (7.5 N - 11.30am 29/12/21 on CG)
Target - vandao.sputnik-dao.near