@Dacha I will be lost respect from you if…
You are addressing this right now because of a personal issue.
The first time was here:
Because I flagged you by being harsh on this post:
Now this time, you are asking questions on this report because I wanted more description from your NearGames members. As I explain to you, I take care of the community just like you:
I didn’t know they were yours, and I need to be careful next time to do anything against you because then Drama will start again… And then you will start doing these verification tasks where ever I am involved… very personal
As I understand from you that you believe you are a perfect member anything you do, we need to go with you, there can’t be disagreement?
The idea of a community is to have different opinions and go with it.
So, please, address the issues where I am involved not 1 minute before I am in disagree with you, don’t make things around here personal creating drama.
From me, I dismiss your claims here