[Report] Family DAO Artistans JUNE report

June Project Reports!

Project Name: Family DAO Artisans June
Project Status: In Progress
DAO: familydao.sputnik-dao.near



Total NFTs MINTED 15

Total Artisans onboard 25

ARTISANS AT WORK Family dao artisans at work - Google Drive

Newly minted from previous Works.

Mintbase Store:


ASTRODAO ACCOUNT : https://app.astrodao.com/dao/familydao.sputnik-dao.near

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@DUCHESS1 there are no transactions recorded in this DAO since its start of may:

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hello sire, @ted.iv you are absolutely right, now we are growing into decentralisation and teaching our onboarded members how to use astrodao. most of our members are met physically, we converted the money when we got funded immediately, so as not to lose its value to the dip that was happening, so we paid each project after its conversation, with the equivalent value of funds requested in naira. *but we addressed the issue in our telegram chat, as our community grows bigger and getting decentralised now, things has changed and will no longer happen that way. thank you so much :slightly_smiling_face:

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@DUCHESS1 as this is the third monthly proposal and no transactions have been recorded in the astrodao or documented above it’s hard for me to see any transparency here. I’m very glad the issue is being addressed and discussed in the community, but that still doesn’t account for an accurate report of where funding has been spent to date.

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yeah, king @ted.iv accepted that as a core mistake which will never repeat itself again.
when the 2nd funding entered into familydao.near wallet, we only decided to convert it to local currency since for now, our members and team would need that for final transactions and we never wanted to loose its value in NEAR as it was dropping that time. we apologise for that decision which is not appropriate for the Protocol in the ecosystem,

It was my idea, that @sterryo, @ifeoluwa @Haekins1 went ahead with to carry out the project with. we vow thats funds cant be distributed in that way again. Thank you so much sire.

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true @ted.iv … I supported the idea of the 2nd funding distributed in local currency after immediate conversion… cos we were trying not to loose its value to market falling around that time of june, we accept this as lesson learnt, and the proper way will definitely be followed this month, our community is growing :pray: thanks chief

we got paid $3000 when NEAR should be around $4.10 by the time we discovered we got paid, it has dropped to $2600 already 970 value in NEAR, then we converted it to naira immediately, to avoid loosing more, we left 20 near, then used 10 NEAR to onboard 25 artisan and mint 15 NFTs

this is what we have in wallet left after all

Apologies pls, and no matter what, we will use astro dao even if crypto falling deep @ted.iv