Hello to you all, John x is here,

It is quite sad that my name has been brought up again with how much ive been through in almost two years of the event that transpired.
After all appeals i made about the whole issue, i reached out to many community moderators over time all to no avail. What do the creatives have against me? I was suspended for three months and after that the creatives still keep putting messes on my name till this day. What have i done to deserve all these negative smearing?
I personally appealed and called all parties for reconciliation after some time but the creatives did not help me towards any reconcialiation whatsoever.

And till date my name is being smeared and used in the wrong light. It feels so painful that with all the contributions i made that it was only my mistakes that i am being judged with as if i am the only one who is prone to mistake and not bound to learn and grow. I dont know who the creatives are and till date ive been blocked from the community chat but honestly it feels a little upsetting that negativity is what am known for after all these years. Does anyine at least not feel like i am capable of doing any good, any positive contribution. Have i been the only one whose loyalty was brought to question in the whole NEAR ecosystem? Why only me?

I will address this issue on ground in the best way i can.
Firstly, I encouraged enyinnaya about building on NEAR with his friends just like i have advised numerous people and onboarded them to NEAR, people like @AugustKinge (gabriel) and his wife @FabDab (hephzibah) , the music producer @BigM007 whom i shared a flat with, @Licious_Crackitt a producer that contribyted to NxM, @beetlejuice i invited to help with spiritual dao

Would we say that because i had issues with NEAR i shouldnt encourage people to build communities with available resource to help them scale?

Creatives what have i done? Almost two years now and it seems like i either killed someone or took someone’s wife or did something so bad with the kind of hate @Paul has shown towards me in the abuse of my legacy. I got a call from enyinnaya that you claimed because he wrote my EP that he is nkt deserving if funding, because he mixed my EP two years ago? Paul this is unbecoming honestly, and also he was accused that he was John X because of the he way he sounded even after he was ready to tender government ID? Have you seen me in person physically or lived with me to say what i really look like, sound like or so… you dont have that right?

Ive healed from all the pain and all the trauma, the friends i lost… @vandal @Symbolik @komori and even @Dacha i couldnt reach out to after the shame of all the information( fabricated plus true) that was used against me… dacha please DM me your telegram handle or phone number or any means to reach you there is a lot to talk about

Also, how does the creatives moderators decide who is who even after they are ready to verify themselves after accusing them to be somebody else, who gives that say to say that a person is this or that and so doesnt deserve this or that, that is playing GOD and not good for a community, enyinnaya said paul called him john x on the call even when other creative moderators could not recognize him … how is there quorum to that, say one man’s opinion would be final thats dangerous my brother. And to even think of the fact that i only met paul in the online community without meeting him in person and he can determine what i look like is really unbelievable because we have only spoken on the phone.

I appeal to the concerned parties to appeal to paul to stop bringing up my name in issues and stop smearing my legacy, i have tried all reconcialtory approaches over time but nobody has stepped up to hear my side of the story or allowed me into the creatives chat to speak my piece. I am being labelled as if am the devil, just because i wa open about issues and made the scape goat… the creatives have had cases of fund mismanagements than my issue but i am still brought up as reference

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