[REPORT] APRIL Monthly Report- Artivist DAO

Project Name: ARTIVIST DAO

[INTRODUCTION] Artivist Guild / Artivist DAO

Project Status: [in progress]

Project Accounting: 6.3N account balance

DAO artivist.sputnik-dao.near

Council member: @carolbampa @mhartenthal

Team: @carolbampa , @mhartenthal , @joaquimley , @miguelmendes , @Ledum_IX

Hello community :sunflower:

This first round of funding helped us take the initial steps towards our working organization and the development of our landing page.


To improve:

  • How to effectively publicize our workflow;
  • How to create a specific strategy for our Twitter feed;
  • How to create social media content as a way to bring our community closer to us.

Next steps:

  • Develop the minimum functions of dapp beta;
  • Start our cultural research with artists, activists and consumers;
  • Analyze the first user interface impressions with UX research;
  • Seek partnerships with DAOs with similar interests;
  • Implement a social media content plan to spread the word about our journey and grow our community;
  • Invite a professional specialized on business strategies to expand the reach of our project beyond digital.

:large_orange_diamond: We hope this gives a clear picture of what we have been working on and what we still intend to do. If you have any questions, we are happy to answer them.

Thank you!

Everyone is welcome to join us to talk and see our projects.

Discord Artivist
Instagram @artivist.dapp
TG ( telegram: 1Join the group chat )
Twitter: @artivist_dapp

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