I known as John X to the NEAR community has completed my I am Human verification and minted my SBT on my old time wallet freedomandflow.near. I acknowledge my wrongs in the past and take responsibility for my lack of discretion in choice of conduct. I implore the NDC to forgo my antecedent of using two accounts simultaneously and pardon it from a place of acknolwdeging that it was as a result of fear of being ostracised from the NEAR community when the community has felt always like home to a dexterrous mind like mine
I also pledge to henceforth be of good and positive conduct to the growth of the NEAR community and blockchain ecosystem in the following ways:
To be of good conduct and treat other community members with respect
To contribute diligently to the evolution of the NDC in conviction to the actualization of the NEAR mission to onboard 1 million active users
To mind my business and not engage in verticals and communities that are not in correlation with the trajectory of my A.O.F
I hereby publish my legitimate digital credentials and pledge to only operate with this credentials as my official identification in my NEAR journey
Near Forum: @JohnX
Near wallet: freedomandflow.near
Telegram id: @johnairx
Near Social:
This is the IAH verification on the wallet freedomandflow.near
I assure the NDC that once i have regained access to the NDC communities on the John X telegram i would de-activate the @thecreator telegram account and only work with the known johnx telegram account in full diligence, honesty and transparency.
I believe so much in my quota and i look forward to reconnecting with the community.
@blaze @Psalmy @IgbozeIsrael @sarahkornfeld @Yuen