Guild : Jazz Dao
Treasury : jazzdao.sputnik-dao.near
Project members: @pan_tastick , @vicentetbh , @squattingPigeon
Date : June
Carpintarias aka Miradouro de Baixo rooftop where we did our launch event has invited us for another event in June to be finalised soon. Our plan is a small live act and 2 djs with an allocation of 400$.
Thank you!
Hey JazzDAO, if you wish any photographs, videos, reports, footages about your event, we would love to collaborate with you. Here an lill intro about who are behind lensDAO, and if you want to exchange with us directly to create something together, lets catch up on our group chat (or yours:)
Hi @justineL thanks for approaching us yes that would be great!
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Sweet! is it possible to get your Telegram jazz Dao link then we can organise this?
muito obrigada
Sure here it is but i believe you’re already in. It is also posted below our June budget and intro.