Our work with Influencers in February 2022

Date | Site | Link to Post | Number of Views

7.2 Aurora вводит транзакционные комиссии |16100|
8.2 Aurora всегда поможет своим пользователям! |18200|
11.2 DeltaTheta получили грант от Aurora |15600|
11.2 Aurora интегрирует Etherscan |14900|
17.2 Видео-конкурс на $10 000 от NEAR |16100|
19.2 Jumbo запустились в mainnet |16800|
22.2 NEAR заключил партнерство с Elliptic |14700|
22.2 Aurigami закрыл инвестиционный раунд |16400|

Moni Team
11.2 А где Allbridge? А он NEAR! |4731|
16.2 Вот она NEARвана! Го в конкурс? |4364|
21.2 У тебя Refka, у меня Ref Finance |3980|
23.2 Elliptic треNEARует безопасность |4779|

Mentions in podcasts(+youtube streams).

February 2022


Our blog
Срочное обновление для всех пользователей Aurora
Создайте уникальное вирусное видео, и разделите призовой фонд в 10,000$ (в NEAR токенах)!
Активности в сети NEAR Protocol и Aurora. Тестнеты

Полный обзор для разработчика на NEAR
All about NEAR for developers, code examples, where you can go to learn, contracts, courses, hackathons.

Together with WOO Network RU we did a great article on the forklog hub


07/02 - Quiz about last week’s news
11/02 - AMA session with the Aurora team
15/02 - Video contest for Youtube
17/02 - NEAR AMA session in Huobi chat
18/02 - Quiz, News from 07.02 to 18.02


313N - incrypted.near // Incrypted (32K subscribers in Youtube, 47K in Telegram) - 4-5 content pieces per month
330N - monitalks.near // Promotion Moni Team for 3 months


55 N - pyos.near // RU Translator payout January Payout Invoice
5N - liquidus.near // RU Translator payout January Payout Invoice
45N - rasfies.near // RU translators coordination January Payout (monthly)
2N - mr_free.near // Banner for announcement Telegram: Contact @near_ru (AMA with Vadim on HuobiGlobal Feb 17, 6 PM MSK, tg)
27.3N - bond09.near // Payout for TG moderation (January)
27.3N - alyonushka.near // Payout for TG moderation (January)
20.2N - cronus.near // Quiz on last week’s news 31.01 - 06.02
227N - cronus.near // Community management (January)
180N - aihonaken.near // Social Media management Ru Guild (January)
16N - sender.rucommunity.near // Best questions on AMA Binance
15N - sender.rucommunity.near // Prizes for the best questions at the AMA session with the Aurora team on the Zavodil Youtube channel
30.30N - cronus.near // Quiz, News from 07.02 to 18.02


Telegram News Channel - 117 (-27,33% // -44)
Twitter - 38 (-34,49 // -20)


Telegram News Channel ~ 4814 (+5,47% // +250 users)
Telegram ~ 8601 (-3% // -226 users)
Twitter ~ 7281 (+7,96% // +580 users)

Some of the data from the Influencers may be incomplete, as I collected it myself.

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