Marketing DAO is Centralized with same Coumcil members for over a year now!

Thank you @sheadyyy for this thread. If you ask me, the councils of both DAOs is filled with corrupt and centralized minds. You can count how many of them with pure intention. It’s absurd how councils practice favoritism in approving or declining proposal. Since I joined the Ecosystem it has been a centralized form of government around the @marketingdao especially, same Klint at all point shouting “it’s a no for me” but yet got an approval of $15.4k from the marketing DAO irrespective of their funding cap

[Approved] Near Nordic Guild Initiative - March 2022.

Is this not alarming, yet he claim to be fair in his judgement.

Thanks for the NDC I’m hoping that there would be a new era, where all these fraudsters in the ecosystem can be suspended, or brought to judgement. I remember a member of this ecosystem who was banned from requesting funds because of funds mismanagement, yet these pen robbers are doing it in broad daylight and no one is talking about it. Marketing DAO “is a no for me”.