Introduction to Scout DAO…

My name is Bembeoro Tomiwa, a member of Scout Association of Nigeria , an OAP and a Content Creator.

After the successful completion of our first face which is Camping and Massive Campaign on benefits of being a scout sponsored by AfroStar Guild, I was surprised at the turnover of the students. A big thanks to African Church Grammar School for the generous offer of almost two acres of land allocated to us as training ground, we really value and appreciate this and we must use this wisely and generously to prove our worth beyond expectation.

Two more schools had invited us and we will be going soon and we shall begin to extend our wings and fly high like an eagle.


It is the mission of ScoutDAO to support and facilitate the growth the scout orgnization through the adoption of Web3 technologies by providing scouters the tools and services they will need to pivot and succeed.
*On-Boarding all scout members and make near wallet the official means of transaction in the organisation forever!


Our vision is to enlarge the scouting movement, encourage and motivate more aspirants who dosents have funds to participate in all the scouting activities, of course its an NGO, so lets have their back and be their biggest support, as they have large numbers of membership that we are looking for.


*Baden Powells Week


Our 2nd face of the project will be getting them a scout uniform each. This will serve as encouragement to them and their parents.

Planning a three days training camp once a month for the next six months. This is to bring them up to speed and giving them all necessary skills and training needed.

Bardeen Powell’s week also comes up at the Ogun state head quarter this month. We’re planing on going as there are lots to learn during this time.

We will be having our extensive training twice a month starting from March this year and different skilled drill Master will be invited to make it worthwhile.

Investiture programme
Fifteen scout will be put to test every month and decorated with new uniform after passing the Tenderfoot test. This is a process of proper indoctrination to scouting movement.

For Afro Star Guild Scouting Movement.




Wow! Fantastic. I totally love this.


Your so different! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: this is huge!

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thank you fab glad you do

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thank you brother @bgem

hi @mecsbecs can we pls have a tag already? :slightly_smiling_face:


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Magnificent, you hit it harder. scout we!

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yes please @mecsbecs thank you!