[Introduction & General Report] Project Ops - Concierge Team

Another exciting week =)

From app.connecteam.com :

  • 59 hours of work from 26/03 to 01/04
  • 3 - 6 meetings per day
  • Support for 10-20 users per day
  • 10 hours / 6 days this week
  • Moderation and other community-related activities (Telegram & Discord)

Here is a table showing the main projects assisted the last week :


Name Help Detail Next Steps
Meta Pool Closing with former designers -
NEAR P2P Helping with Logo Concept + Free Horses partnership Mainnet launch
Shinto Society Dev team built and follow up Gaming dapp development
NearDash & NearProtect AMAs advice -
EVIE Dev team starting activities Grant Approval
Free Horses NFT Club partnership Webpage
Dev DAO Connecting with devs -
Darts Connecting with devs -
4MyFuture Looking for opportunities and partnerships, @Kemal helped connect with Fayrr -


First steps with the following projects:
Fanstroke, GalacticWay, Theseus.

Side Quests

Sitemap proposal for Ecosystem Success x Project Ops

Helping the Guild Ops Team

Name Help Detail Next Steps
Atocha Game Guild General Support with @HaiVu Community Growth
Near Insider Supported from Community DAO Get funded
NearArgentina BlockJobs team is being built BlockJobs grant request
Merchants Waiting for the meeting with @Mansa.Keita Onboarding Merchants into AstroDAO
Meritocracy Helping with Educational prosposal Grant request

Ideas / Proposals

  1. Create a tag for Near Venezuelan members - Let me know chief @David_NEAR
  2. Review the options regarding the evaluation, audit and review of the Guilds activities. @Jloc, maybe we can organize a meeting with @mecsbecs to talk about it, please give me feedback for this idea. I guess we are waiting for another meeting with @erik.near let me know if I can be part, will love to be helpful

From the last week

  1. Puzzle Game Appchain :white_check_mark:
    Guild Introduction done
  2. Help to create an Educational proposal from Juan Pena (NCI) :white_check_mark:
    The team is being built with other NCIs @Developer @andresdom
  3. Onboarding a Nearcomer from Chile who may lead some good initiatives, hopefully even create a Guild :no_entry_sign:
  4. Shinto Society :white_check_mark:
    Connected with a team of devs
  5. Atocha + Malaysia Guild meeting / both maintain communications
  6. ShineDAO
    Connected with a team of devs led by @josedlujan
  7. CulinaryDAO + Cook dapp possible cross collab (Pending)
  8. Project Ops + Ecosystem Success webpage (Pending)
    Sitemap proposals from the Project Ops team
  9. NEAR Peru and Firebase project support (Pending)

Pending for the next week

  1. Nearpay.co list of possible partnerships (clients)
  2. CulinaryDAO + Cook dapp possible cross collab follow up
  3. Project Ops + Ecosystem Success webpage

Thank you partners, cheers :beers: