Project Title : DeLorean - A Geo-tag Time Capsule
Project DAO: NFT Gaming
Project member: mansoor.near
DeLorean is a platform where you can create Time Capsules where you need to reach a specific time and the respective geo-tag constraints in order to unlock an NFT which is linked to surprising content stored on IPFS.
I propose this as a fun way of getting early on-boarders on NEAR platform and of course, who doesn’t love old doc and marty!! Giving users a way to reminisce old days of time travel dreams.
The UI/UX experience will be of the retro Back to the future DeLorean Time setter and an attractive trigger which will seal of the time capsule until the given time. The surprising content for the NFT time capsule will be stored on IPFS and the hash to the content will be linked with the NFTs. The position for retrieval will be saved as three words which is generated by What3Words.
What3words is a proprietary geocode system that is designed to identify any location with a resolution of about 3 metres (9.8 ft). The system is owned by What3words Limited, a location services company based in London, England. The What3words system encodes geographic coordinates into three dictionary words; the encoding is permanently fixed. For example, the front door of 10 Downing Street in London is identified by ///slurs.this.shark
.[1] What3words differs from most other location encoding systems in that it displays three words rather than strings of numbers or letters.
The Time capsule will be retrievable after the given time period and when the person reaches that specific geo-tag using What3Words plugin he/she will be able to unlock the NFT and enjoy the unique surprising content which you discovered!
DeLorean can also be used for organizing Treasure hunts organized by online platforms which would contain both online and outdoor exposure.
About me: I’m a blockchain developer working in private blockchains but enthusiastic about public blockchains and its direct effect on common people and giving power back to people.