[CONCLUID] Gambiarra Room in 3D for NEARHUB


Objective: Model the first Gambiarra room in Blender, to be used in Near Hub.

We created assets of the water tank, and the gallery in blender, with different textures.
I also used materials from the NEARHUB website to create the first room.
I also contacted Jeff, and now I’m part of the NEARhub discord, where I can talk with other artists, and builders.
This was the first gambiarra room and also my first construction in the NEARHUB.
The architecture reminiscent of the famous Brazilian LAJES, as well as the various textures and colors of the walls.


GAMBIARRA’S ROOM IN THE NEAR HUB with an exhibition of the highlights.

10 NFTS of which 2 are 3D models made in blender exclusively for GAMBIARRA DAO, all minted in the gambiarra store, and available for under 1N .

Gambiarra DAO by gambiarra.mintbase1.near on Mintbase


[Gambiarra Near on Instagram: "Olá Povo da Gambiarra! Chegamos no NearHub! E essa conquista é muito importante. Essa tecnologia exponencial da Near, é um metaverso incrível. É possível criar diversas salas, uma para cada dao, ou exposição. Artistas 3D se divertem! E nós temos a primeira sala da Gambiarra Dao no NearHub, criada pela @natashacremonese_ . Uma artista 3d/2d e professora de Artes visuais, que faz parte do grupo de membros da DAO. Quer conhecer nosso primeiro espaço? Clica no link : https://nearhub.link/hZqPAi2 Viva o acesso a tecnologia, viva a ciência, viva a arte e Viva as mulheres que ocupam esses espaços. #NearHub #GambiarraNear #nfts #near #blockchain #arte #news #cryptocurrency #cryptoartist #nftcollectibles #nearnft #nftartists #sweat #artist #nftcollection #nftartgallery #artwork #digitalart #gambiarragallery #gambiarra #nearprotocol #nearblockchain #nearbrasil #neardao #nearnft"

](Gambiarra Near on Instagram: "Olá Povo da Gambiarra! Chegamos no NearHub! E essa conquista é muito importante. Essa tecnologia exponencial da Near, é um metaverso incrível. É possível criar diversas salas, uma para cada dao, ou exposição. Artistas 3D se divertem! E nós temos a primeira sala da Gambiarra Dao no NearHub, criada pela @natashacremonese_ . Uma artista 3d/2d e professora de Artes visuais, que faz parte do grupo de membros da DAO. Quer conhecer nosso primeiro espaço? Clica no link : https://nearhub.link/hZqPAi2 Viva o acesso a tecnologia, viva a ciência, viva a arte e Viva as mulheres que ocupam esses espaços. #NearHub #GambiarraNear #nfts #near #blockchain #arte #news #cryptocurrency #cryptoartist #nftcollectibles #nearnft #nftartists #sweat #artist #nftcollection #nftartgallery #artwork #digitalart #gambiarragallery #gambiarra #nearprotocol #nearblockchain #nearbrasil #neardao #nearnft")Gambiarra Near on Instagram: "Hello Gambiarra People! We have arrived at NearHub! And this achievement is very important. This exponential technology from Near, is an amazing metaverse. You can create multiple rooms, one for each dao, or exhibit. 3D artists have fun! And we have the first Gambiarra Dao room on NearHub, created by @natashacremonese_ . A 3d/2d artist and visual arts teacher, who is part of the DAO membership group. Want to know our first space? Click on the link: https://nearhub.link/hZqPAi2 Long live access to technology, long live science, long live art and long live the women who occupy these spaces. #NearHub #GambiarraNear #nfts #near #blockchain #art #news #cryptocurrency #cryptoartist #nftcollectibles #nearnft #nftartists #sweat #artist #nftcollection #nftartgallery #artwork #digitalart #gambiarragallery #gambiarra #nearprotocol #nearblockchain #nearbrasil #neardao #nearnft"



Sharing highlight, NEARPROTOCOLBRASIL shares in stories the publication of the launch of the gambiarra space in NEARHUB

Next steps:

Create a larger room for Gambiarra, where there is a wall with member presentation, and add video presentation of Metatronic or other event, creating a greater user experience environment, and adding direct links to purchase works on display.