[Closed, please re-submit later] Near Native Community (Social Media Budget) June 2023

Guild: NEAR Native Community Guild;
Region: CIS region and Eastern Europe;
Numbers of team: 4 members in our team;
Funding scheme: June.

Our report: May
Previous proposal: May

Our resources and links:
Telegram (Chat): (@near_protocol ) chat 10832 subs
Telegram (News) : (@near_native ) channel 5946 subs

https://twitter.com/near_protocol 14074 subs


Our staff at the moment

Vladislav — Management and growth (Community Manager) — Content Editor, Social Media Lead + translations, AMAs with projects of ecosystem
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vladislav_vl25
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @Vladislav_vl25
NS: @cronus.near

Alyona — Moderator of our Telegram (plus content and translations, networking), AMAs with projects of ecosystem.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlenaPlatays
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @theAlyonushka
NS: @alyonushka.near

Yurii — Moderator of our Telegram, writing guidelines for the community, help at work on incentives and activities
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bond__09
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @BondAlexx
NS: @bond09.near

Andrey — Localization, translation verification, AMAs with projects of ecosystem
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Liqu1dus38
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @Liquidus38
NS: @aurorarewards.near

We are going to attract and engage new members to NEAR, to show them the capabilities of the network and the projects that have been built or are being built in this ecosystem.

What problem is the proposal solving?

The goal of NEAR Native Community is to educate the Russian speaking community about the NEAR Ecosystem, provide support to all ecosystem projects with Russian localization, and to increase awareness of the ecosystem. Our ideas contain additional values that we would like to voice and implement in the future.

How is the problem being solved?

Throughout, despite funding disruptions, we try to spread the word about what’s going on in our ecosystem.

  • Translating and bringing to the community the main news of the NEAR ecosystem: we publish translations of important reports from the NEAR Foundation, news from NEAR, and talk about what’s happening in the DeFi world and what new projects are being launched in our ecosystem.
  • Our community actively participates in various testnets and helps localize even new dapps.
  • We have experience working with many Influencers in the CIS region, we covered the information about activities and major news in our ecosystem. With additional funding, we will help set up this process.
  • Also in our Telegram we try to provide more details about certain projects or activities in our network, which support projects from our marketing (our own events, quizzes, AMA sessions, informing users about online opportunities (earning, education, project building, communication).
  • Daily support. We are active users of DeFi and Web3, learning about the projects to provide users with support in their native language, explaining initial points for newbies and can discuss and bring more complicated points from the project’s documentation.

Result from previous work:
Unfortunately, the market is not the most positive and sometimes we have to face not the best reviews regarding token prices of various projects.
Nevertheless, our participants participate in various competitions and are interested in projects.
They are also actively testing new features in projects (Zexe, WOO (perps)).
Also, there was a big delay in getting resources and we were not able to hold a number of competitions, but we are preparing them in a new quality, which will be able to raise on-chain activity and engage new participants.

Expected impact and value for the NEAR community:
Corresponds to the goals, objectives and result described above.

Post in near.social with a roadmap

Social Media → Distribution → Twitter news:

Task: Share news (with translate) about the NEAR ecosystem
KPIs : Amount of posts, increase followers.
Metrics: 1-3 daily news, +300 new followers on Twitter
Budget : 1000 USDC

Social Media → Distribution → Telegram:

Task: Support community members, share important news about the NEAR ecosystem, contests, tips to increase group activity and help other participants, translate important news
KPIs : Increase group members, amount of posts
Metrics: +200 new members on Telegram
Budget : 2500 USDC

Content → Writing → Guide:

Task: Translate important articles about the NEAR ecosystem (also slightly shorter version on Telegram):
KPIs : Amount of articles, engagement on the articles
Metrics : 2-3 articles, likes and comments on our Social Media channels (Twitter, Telegram)
Costs: 500 USDC

Social Media → Others → Giveaways:

Task: Giveaways + quizzes on the blockchain on Twitter/Telegram/near.social to increase followers and impressions, 
also tips from the bot for helpful tips or help from other participants.
KPIs : Increase followers on Twitter + Telegram + near.social + IAH
Metrics: +300 new followers on Twitter and +100 on Telegram + 100 on near.social + 50 IAH
Budget: 900 USDC
  • Total requested amount in USD: $4900 ($USDC)
  • NEAR Wallet: uniteddao.near
  • Contact name: Yurii

AstroDAO: near-native.sputnik-dao.near

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Hi, as we wrote in our last message we accept proposals for next month before the 25th of the month.

Your proposal will be reviewed after the 25th of June for July.


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Thank you for your proposal.

Your submission is going to be reviewed by July due to late submission.

Some of the proposals submitted on other dates were accepted, weren’t they?

It is better to start any innovations with a certain date and announcements in the channels.

And, of course, next time we will submit according to the regulations and announcements, but this time I see only artificial bureaucratic hurdles.

Hello. You have a huge guild. could you show chat activity. In the telegram you can see the number of active users. Please share last month. Thank you

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Greetings, our stats are always open in TGStat.
Chat: 401 MAU

Also, considering the volatility of the market, also many users communicate in the shadow chat (Telegram: Contact @near_prices), dedicated to trade and prices.

600 participants


Hello! Thanks for the early submission.

I see so great activities for these handles but can’t lay hands on plans for bOS and use of near social.

Can you explain for better understanding please.

Also, read this https://social.near.page/p/rc-dao.near/94308775

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