[Closed] NEAR Native Community (Social Media Budget) July 2023

Guild: NEAR Native Community Guild;
Region: CIS region and Eastern Europe;
Numbers of team: 4 members in our team;
Funding scheme: July.

Our report: May
Previous proposal: May

Our resources and links:
Telegram (Chat): (@near_protocol ) chat 10500 subs
Telegram (News) : (@near_native ) channel 5870 subs

https://twitter.com/near_protocol 14030 subs


Our staff at the moment

Vladislav — Management and growth (Community Manager) — Content Editor, Social Media Lead + translations, AMAs with projects of ecosystem
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vladislav_vl25
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @Vladislav_vl25
NS: @cronus.near

Alyona — Moderator of our Telegram (plus content and translations, networking), AMAs with projects of ecosystem.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlenaPlatays
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @theAlyonushka
NS: @alyonushka.near

Yurii — Moderator of our Telegram, writing guidelines for the community, help at work on incentives and activities
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bond__09
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @BondAlexx
NS: @bond09.near

Andrey — Localization, translation verification, AMAs with projects of ecosystem
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Liqu1dus38
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @Liquidus38
NS: @aurorarewards.near

We are going to attract and engage new members to NEAR, to show them the capabilities of the network and the projects that have been built or are being built in this ecosystem.

What problem is the proposal solving?

The goal of NEAR Native Community is to educate the Russian speaking community about the NEAR Ecosystem, provide support to all ecosystem projects with Russian localization, and to increase awareness of the ecosystem. Our ideas contain additional values that we would like to voice and implement in the future.

How is the problem being solved?

Throughout, despite funding disruptions, we try to spread the word about what’s going on in our ecosystem.

  • Translating and bringing to the community the main news of the NEAR ecosystem: we publish translations of important reports from the NEAR Foundation, news from NEAR, and talk about what’s happening in the DeFi world and what new projects are being launched in our ecosystem.
  • Our community actively participates in various testnets and helps localize even new dapps.
  • We have experience working with many Influencers in the CIS region, we covered the information about activities and major news in our ecosystem. With additional funding, we will help set up this process.
  • Also in our Telegram we try to provide more details about certain projects or activities in our network, which support projects from our marketing (our own events, quizzes, AMA sessions, informing users about online opportunities (earning, education, project building, communication).
  • Daily support. We are active users of DeFi and Web3, learning about the projects to provide users with support in their native language, explaining initial points for newbies and can discuss and bring more complicated points from the project’s documentation.

Expected impact and value for the NEAR community:
Corresponds to the goals, objectives and result described above.

Post in near.social with a roadmap

Social Media → Distribution → Twitter news:

Task: Share news (with translate) about the NEAR ecosystem
KPIs : Amount of posts, increase followers.
Metrics: 1-3 daily news, +300 new followers on Twitter
Budget : 1000 USDC

Social Media → Distribution → Telegram:

Task: Support community members, share important news about the NEAR ecosystem, contests, translate important news
KPIs : Increase group members, amount of posts
Metrics: +200 new members on Telegram
Budget : 2500 USDC

Content → Writing → Guide:

Task: Translate important articles about the NEAR ecosystem (also slightly shorter version on Telegram):
KPIs : Amount of articles, engagement on the articles
Metrics : 2-3 articles, likes and comments on our Social Media channels (Twitter, Telegram)
Costs: 500 USDC

Social Media → Others → Giveaways:

Task: Giveaways + quizzes on the blockchain on Twitter/Telegram/near.social to increase followers and impressions, 
also tips from the bot for helpful tips or help from other participants.
KPIs : Increase followers on Twitter + Telegram + near.social + IAH
Metrics: +300 new followers on Twitter and +100 on Telegram + 100 on near.social + 50 IAH
Budget: 700 USDC
  • Total requested amount in USD: $4700 ($USDC)
  • NEAR Wallet: uniteddao.near

AstroDAO: near-native.sputnik-dao.near


Hello everyone. Near Native used to be one of the best Communities in our ecosystem in bull run time under the mentorship of @yulian and @zavodil. Since that time, almost all activities have gone to down due a lot of


Still not implemented:

  • NFT governance for Near Native NFT holders;

  • Near Native Community DAO;

  • leadership doesn’t work with the proposed by

NDC spreadsheets to track results;

  • no AMAs, no workshops, no IRL events.

  • not enough work with influencers; even B4B projects were agreed on this

work for at the expense of the approved budget

for the app.

  • lack enough of I’m human app registration for the huge community (>10k)

  • movement from Astro DAO to personal walkers.

  • low DAU (33)/WAU(140)/MAU(341) rate

  • weak community support, it mostly cases users redirect to official channels, dApps chats.

  • lack of involvement in NDC.

Despite this, I see some positive steps, like

  • launching quests via engagement platforms

  • great mods work with the community despite the market

Summarizing it, I would recommend working on weak points during next month and showing strong traction to continue receiving funding.


Greetings to all.
NEAR Native is still a good community at this point.

Don’t you think the activity has come to a halt because of the funding problems starting in September 2022?
Or do you only see what you can turn in favor of your opinion?
Or maybe you still can’t forget the questions about grants in the Aurora ecosystem that our guild asked and fell into your disfavor?

Really? That wasn’t even planned.
Although the desire to invent something is your credo, isn’t it?

It seems to have existed for a long time, but because of AstroDAO’s problems there was a pause.

We do AMAs with new projects, and when with those where big changes are happening?
What are some of the new projects that have been launched in our ecosystem recently?

For the rest, we didn’t even ask for funds.

Did we take funds to work with the Influencers?
Or did you make it up again?

On the work of the platform B4B gave a detailed comment to the team, what problems we encountered.
What is our fault if the platform is raw, there are a lot of flaws, there are no necessary influencers.

However, we have more registrations than those who have received much more funds in the same time frame, don’t we?
Or did you hide that fact as well?

A low score on the background of what?
A lot of communities don’t have that either.

We have great support, only very specific questions are redirected directly to the projects, plus we have representatives from major projects in our chat room.

Should we tell the forum about your attacks on other members in our chats?
Or don’t you want to talk about that side of it?


Good morning! It was in Ru community road map, and some NFTs were issued, but the following steps have not been implemented yet.

All decisions were made according to each particular community’s growth, participation, achieved KPIs, and objective metrics. The information still available on a dashboard for everyone 24/7:

It was an idea to have a Grassroot ru community DAO with multiple representatives from the Community, not only the mods team.

A lot of them. We should be proactive here and contact first with the projects.


Yes, the opportunity was provided to the community. I was suggested to you to onboard necessary influencers. Pretty straightforward.

I am talking about this community. I don’t compare to others. Near ru community has a huge amount of members, and could be more active here.

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Maybe you don’t see well or read even worse, but it’s not on the roadmap.
There were giveaways for NFT holders (tokens and access to NEARCrowd), there was early access to Aurora+ for them.

So yeah, no growth in your opinion?

Contests give some spikes, but that doesn’t mean they can be held.
Or maybe the token has grown or a bear market has passed in the meantime?
The minus CPU is the cherry on the cake.

Only you’re not revealing the whole truth, the guild in Aurora received its last grant for almost 3 months. And of course, the resource to drive everything - just was not. And yet June the guild worked through the remainder of the grant without asking for anything at all.

But you won’t talk about that either, because your job is to bring confusion, not to bring something new.

Maybe an idea from your dreams again?

Our community is active and involved, but you probably can’t see it. Or haven’t you figured out how to twist those facts yet?

It was in the ru community roadmap since Q1 2022, along with other points:

  • weekly/bi-weekly AMAs;
  • NFT club;
  • business development;
  • paid services;


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Hello, there are about 10 thousand members in your community, and you can count the active ones in the chat on your fingers, the community is dead

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Hello everyone, you are requesting funding for your community, but at the same time, the number of participants hidden in your chat “Near Native”. We can’t see it in any way, only the community administration is visible. And I will answer you, 10 thousand participants and half of them are fake bots, and this can be seen from the activity in the chat. Therefore, you hide the participants in the chat, the ecosystem needs transparency, not cheating and fake reports! Thank you

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Good afternoon, you are asking for that kind of money, but at the same time, your community has practically no ama sessions, no distribution of projects, just a regular copy-paste, copied the text from the English community and translated into Russian. You do almost nothing and not put in any effort and ask for more money for it. Thanks for attention

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And what does the NFT Club have to do with this option?
Are you speculating again?

Hello, are you sure about this to state it?

Or is this another attack of twinks led by @Dacha

What distributions from the projects?
We have great news, we keep track of all the DeFi events at NEAR, and our users are involved in many projects.

Before judging, on behalf of the twinks, you should consider that only one amount of money has been received from NEAR this year by the guild. If you think you can perform a miracle in the bear market within it, good luck.

Hello brother ( @Vladislav_vl25 )

I have watched you work and over the past year i have made it clear how much i value yiur work

So I took time read through to understand alot of things happening in the Near Ru community that i am amiss of…

One thing is very clear… Near RU is a very valuable and inportant to the the ecosystem that we can nkt watch it nkt get properly funded

I will be making very constructive unbiased criticism on how we can get Near RU all the support it really needs.

I will skip discussing on any issue or problems being raised here be it true or false and just focus on how we can get Near RU up.

Here are my take

  1. According to this link you posted Telegram group "NEAR Native: русскоязычное сообщество" — @near_protocol statistics — TGStat. It is clear that the RU community its far below its potential
  2. Even for a bear market… An integral community like Near RU should not be having 147/weekly Active users and 300 Monthly Active users. With it being the official Russian Channel for Near.

The question now is how do we get Near RU running and Funded.

  1. Lets us rejig the Near RU by creating a Near RU council through an election. An election will get people rejuvenated and participating in the community again
  2. With proper representation the whole community will feel the ownership of the ecosystem
  3. Everyone on the current team can also stand for election so will any Near RU community member
  4. The election will be organized by Near RU OGs such as @yulian @zavodil etc in collaboration with the RCdao.
  5. The election will be done on chain
  6. Set a timeline for the election…
  7. This election process will exclude @Dacha in every way shape and form.

Finally on Funding

Repurpose this your July Proposal as an Election plan proposal. I will approve and i am sure we can get the funding going.

Again… I appreciate your work and all you have been doing and sure looking forward to do more.


Great plan! Let’s do it together

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Ru community NFT club for artists. We
have a lot of them in ru community and need
to pay attention on it.

Furthermore we can do census to precisely
identify people.

But I would suggest to start with Near
Native grassroot DAO.

Near ru community biggest Marketing DAO
recipient in 2021 and 2022. Over $150k dollars
and some direct payments from Near Foundation.

Hi, thanks for the kind words, but let’s get right to the constructive part.

You can’t drive a car 100 miles if you only fill it up with 5 miles of gas. If the solution to this problem is to hold an election to change the driver, then clearly that would not be the right solution?

The guild has only received one $3,3k grant from NEAR in the last six months, all the while working with the community from the conditions that are there.

I will also point out that if it is not an ecosystem job, as many people think, then it turns out the participants still needed to work somewhere to support themselves.

I consider that it is always necessary to compare with something, taking into account the conditions.

At the moment, the RC DAO has given grants for a larger amount to smaller guilds with even fewer active members, or is that not true?

In addition, I see that instead of using different approaches and allowing guilds to experiment, it turns out to be some sort of compulsory duty, turning the whole thing into a digital concentration camp rather than a digital community.

There are always ideas to try that one region is more suited to one than another.
There are guilds focused on DeFi and attracting to that sector, and there are guilds focused on developers and something else.
Everyone should have their own space and their own features.

I restate it very simply, I see a hostile attitude within this forum and an attack by bots. We know who is behind it.
Normal dialogue is impossible under such conditions.


And? At one time our guild worked with many large KOLs and spent most of it on just that.

In any case, we are not going to feed the trolls do not try.


Hello Friend…

Please kindly note that non of my take is influenced or from any form of biased… You have known me on the ecosystem a while to if i have integrity or not.

You need to understand Near RU is not just another community… It is the official Near Russian regional community and should run as an inclusive community with proper community involvement.

Just like the Regional Communities and Hubs are going through a Rejig process… Near RU needs to as well…

Again I am ready to support this and get Near RU all necessary support and funding needed for this

Lets us all work together.

If you you however have a bettet alternative plan, please share and we can look through it