Thanks for submitting this funding request.
Looks like there is a lot planned for the C1 Guild.
Seems like this post would come closest to step 2 here: [Guide] How to submit a funding proposal to the Creatives DAO
That being said, it should not have been submitted to the creatives DAO yet, so I will be voting “NO” on the post. Also, if this is a funding request for the month of July, can you please add that to the title?
An example of a passed guild proposal for the month of June: [APPROVED] IncubadoraPT- DAO Budget – June 2021
One question I have is who has access to the keys for the chapteronefoundation.near account?
If > 1000 NEAR is being held in a personal account it would be great to know the plans for the account and who has access.
Second, ~ 50% of the monthly (if the proposal is for a monthly budget) budget being used for management of the guild is about 20% greater than is currently recommended.
For example, if the NxM Guild got a budget of 2k NEAR for the month if July, we would expect that @vandal would request a MAX of 600 N for the guild management. So, using that as a scale can be useful for gauging proposal request values.
Createbase and NxM both have hundreds of public members and they use a transparent DAO for funding.
These are just my first thoughts after reading the post (since it came up in Telegram: Contact @creativesdao), @mecsbecs and I will discuss further and leave comments as necessary.