[Approved] Gambiarra-DAO - GAMBIARRA MARKETING 03/2022

Project Report


Project Status: COMPLETED


DISCORD: Gambiarra

TWITTER: x.com

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gambiarranear


YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvS19URdDuvGDpFCRE6-lTA

SITE: https://gambiarradao.com.br


Gambiarra DAO’s marketing in the month of February carried out through its team advertising campaigns that generated good results for DAO as well as for the NEAR and Mintbase platforms, generating engagement with the public of artists who already knew NFT’s and also with those who did not. It was possible to conduct outreach to featured artists through social media and organize important links, actions, and galleries/exhibitions.

Weekly posts were made in addition to the proposals, as we had demands of more than two posts per week, we presented projects, highlights and also shared workshops held through Gambiarra DAO.

The professionals are responsible for: Retweeting, sharing, responding and forwarding those interested in participating in the store, as well as participating in the discord, and responding to artists in the publications.

Each professional made a report on their area, which was delivered to the Gambiarra DAO group, in PDF format, as well as to anyone who requires it, maintaining transparency.

Our proposal for the month of March, is already described with the demands that arose in February, and the necessary adjustments to continue the work of advertising and marketing Gambiarra DAO, so that it gets better and better, and meet the needs of our DAO.

For example: Give more attention to Youtube channel, which already exists, boost highly relevant publications, increase the number of posts on social networks and interactions, increase the hours and days of monitoring the discord, to help the new, and those who have questions, develop a site that presents the Dao, as well as their actions, components, etc.

USD 2,548.26 in NEAR for Gambiarra’s advertising and marketing production and organization team, including the value of 5 dollars (5x5 =25 ) in reals (120.68) in sponsorship of Twitter and Instagram posts per week.

Tasks Performed: Social Media, design, publications, Discord creation, monitoring, recordings, graphic arts, copywriting, sharing, tweets, retweets, interactions with artists and DAOs, videos, among other tasks.

Project timeline updated:

The project was approved in Astro between the days of March 08 and 09, even though we had approval passing the first days of the month, our work started on the first day, with all the daily posts, and sometimes more posts than our agreed. (Given that we now need to increase the number of posts, and also redo the posting schedule), we completed the analysis day on March 25 and 26, to deliver before the 31st the report, but we keep the work always until the end of the month day 31, following with the planned.


We had a very large reach on social networks, although not many followers yet, this did not prevent us from reaching the target audience, we noticed that DAO members who were highlights such as @vinniegcp sold more editions of their works.

Next Steps:

Publish the proposal for the month of April where are the new demands that have arisen as well as the improvements to be made. We intend to continue this work progressively, publicizing the actions, artists, governance, DAO, etc; as we are already doing.

But in April we will create a visual calendar so that DAO members can register their projects for dissemination, and thus fit into our planning, we will keep the highlights of the week, but we would also like to start presenting the DAO members weekly. With photos, new layout for dissemination, and that can be used in profile pictures by members, in the plans these for social networks (TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK)

We would also like to put more content of the projects carried out by DAO on the site, and continue the advertising progress of Gambiarra.

We will continue with the weekly monitoring of Discord, and welcoming the demands of the DAO.



O site foi concluído dia 31 de março, inicialmente contém uma home apresentando brevemente a Gambiarra DAO, Galerias contendo a apresentação de duas galerias ( MintbaseSunday e FEMINU), Exposições contendo duas exposições realizadas através dos projetos da Gambiarra que foram financiados pela NEAR (ExpoKids e MintbaseSunday), e página de Contatos contendo o contato para as redes sociais da Gambiarra DAO.


In Gambiarra’s Discord we are at 129 participants, 3 warning posts, 7 news, 6 tutorials, 4 meetings. The FEMINU category remains active in the channel due to a need of Gambiarra DAO to assist in the exhibition, because the proposer. @Ghini Ghini of the FEMINU exhibition needed to have an accessible place for the introduction and organization of the exhibition with its participants.

It was included in the category GAMBIARRA DAO where we have the channels proposals, astrodao and reports. This category was made to keep the links to them stored for better access when needed and to keep everything always updated and organized.

The Discord monitoring schedule was made from Monday to Friday from 8am to 9am and 6pm to 8pm.


Today we follow 186 and have 305 followers (67 new followers) on Twitter. In the last 28 days the numbers shown are as follows: Tweets 88; Tweet Impressions 11.5K; Profile Visits 10K; Mentions 407.

R$165.00 spent on sponsored posts (25 USD / 5 USD PER WEEK = R$125.0)

Ad Campaign:


Month of February - 307 Followers / 236

25 Posts, Of which 3 Reels and 22 Cards (Artwork for publications), 166

Reach - 48,700 Impressions, 437 Views, 10 Touches on site, 17,486 Reached (17.2 thousand No Followers, 231 Followers).

R$128.00 spent on sponsored publications (25 USD / 5 USD PER WEEK = 119.06)

A new layout was developed for the publications with the new gambiarra logos, and we maintain posts in Portuguese and English, which allows foreign audiences to also have access to our content.

We had fewer new followers, but our reach increased a lot, so we have a month ahead of us to execute a new strategy based on the data collected.


Month of February - 328 Page Likes, 339 Followers, 1169K Reach, 25 Posts.


Channel stats: 15 videos published, 29 subscribers, and over 150 views with impressions reaching 593.