Work report from the month of November-December

Good day NEAR community.

This is a detailed report on my work as a promoter for Free Horses,Sona protocol and Near p2p

I started my work here as a promoter from November 15th-12-2022 till December 12th/12th/2022…

 I used my twitter account where I promoted for Free_horses , Sona_protocol and Near. 

We were asked to promote, reach out to other community by tweeting, and shilling in the communities .

I tweeted daily and engaged in the community by shilling and also participating in games organized by the team.

I engaged in discussions everyday on both discord platform(free_horses and sonaprotocol).

I also reached out to some crypto friends and they promised to join in on the project real soon…

Thanks for this wonderful experience i really enjoyed it.The moderator were so nice and helpful too.


Near username: beati.near


my twitter links to my post are inside this :point_down:t3::point_down:t3: