VinoDex - the NFT marketplace for wine

VinoDEX is the NFT platform backed by fine wine producers that enables customization and revolutionizes trade and investment in wines via NFT

Upgrading fine wine to the Web 3.0 via NFT


Wine is a 400 bln+ USD market and has more than 2 bln consumers around the globe.

But the market and wine producers are old-fashioned and ripe for disruption.

We see NFT as a changing instrument in the wine market. Our goal is to merge NFT and high-end real world objects into a new and unique asset class. By creating new product features we are bringing wine lovers and wine professionals into the crypto world and vice versa.

We want to give the possibility to the inhabitants and believers of the Metaverse to open the world of fine vines. When you speak about forming a metaverse with its own financial, social and digital art paradigm there definitely should be the best items from the real world. And we want to bring customisation and personalisation which is a huge trend in the premium segment to the wine world.

Also while we were thinking about the underlying technology, we understood that it is capable of removing the friction in the “real-world” wine trading which is a huge but old-fashioned business.

Project Team

Vova Antonov - our wine guru, the one who is close to the most respected French wine chateaux and has WSET Diploma

Fred Pollack - deep expertise in fintech and travel tech

Iri Zhdan - the one responsible for art and legal framework

How do we plan to supercharge wine with NFT?

  1. Customization. Wine customization has never been possible before. Wine stays the only premium product you can’t customize if you aren’t uber-rich - no anniversary congratulation for your mom and dad, no BTC = 100K virtual pixel-art with your favorite Champagne to pop when the moment comes, or a personal New Year congratulation written by the hand of your most cherished client’s favorite winemaker with a golden plated label. Everything can get a personal touch - purses, cars, watches - except wine - before NFT. You just login, pick the wine and the right customization and artwork and send the NFT to the right wallet - and voila you can claim the wine from the producer which stores it as a custodian up to the moment the NFT is claimed. The buyer gets a one of a kind bottle of a rare wine.

  2. Investment and trading. Wine is a first class asset to invest in - a portfolio in fine wine returns an average of 11% for the last 20 years - much better than S&P 500. Also if you can get your hands on a rare bottle you can get 5-10-20x in a much less time! But investment in wine is a tricky business - high entry barriers, closed offline events, etc. Now you just purchase the NFTs to assembly your virtual cellar and you can resell the NFT at any time. The buyer is sure, that you are selling the authentic wine, no counterfeit and it is securely stored in a right condition in the producers cave. Wine investments accessible for everyone. Invest in wine easily like in crypto, shares or commodities!

  3. B2B trading. Fine-dining restaurants are dying to make their wine-lists stand-out. Imagine that Michelin-starred restaurants in Shanghai or New-York have an easy way to purchase and to prove that those 100 bottles of unique Champagne from that plot with 120 years old vines labeled with the restaurants logo can be found only here in the whole world!

  4. Loot cases. Imagine 1000 bottles of a fine wine with different artworks - 900 of regular ones, 90 of rare ones with a classier wine with a 5x nominal price, 9 of super rare with a 10x price and a bottle of a legendary wine with a unique price. You purchase a case (6 bottles) and discover after the purchase which bottles are you going to receive.

Outstanding partner with great history

We will release our first NFT token with one of the most important fine champagne producer (Bruno Paillard).

Bruno Paillard is one of the most respected Champagne domains. The founder (Bruno Paillard) was a head of the CIVC (Champagne regional body which regulates mandatory rules and conditions for wine production in the region). Currently Bruno Paillard Champagne is listed in more than 400+ Michelin starred restaurants and is making rare and exceptional wines for Champagne connoisseurs across the Globe


Finalizing agreements with winemakers Jan’22

Marketing campaign Jan-Feb’22

Marketplace dev Dec-Feb’22

Launch «first sale» Mar’22


First launch with a limited edition of 500 NFTs at a 30-50 NEAR starting price each

Sell out 2 limited edition collections of NFTs Mar-Apr ’22

Onboard 5 more wine producers by May ’22

100k NFTs sold on the platform before NY’23

Become a preferred listing place for wine producers

What problems and needs will be addressed?

  • Wine is the most important beverage in human history (besides water) but is not present in the Metaverse - we are going to fix it. By creating a new asset class - when a physical object is merged with a piece of digital art and something unique, that can’t be copied!

  • Wine sometimes is perceived as a «conservative» product - we are going to give it a unique modern twist and new capabilities.

  • Wine is an offline business so we are planning to simplify the access to the wine world for the crypto world and for wine lovers to the new digital reality and instruments for wine acquisition and trading via NFT

  • Wine investment is difficult but lucrative. Before, private investors could access the market via three main routes: merchants (retailers), auction houses, and wine funds. Wine investment should be brought to the 21st century so we are making it accessible, easy and affordable.

This way we are upgrading fine wine to WEB 3.0


OpenSea, Binance NFT, major NFT marketplaces are the main competitors.

Why do we stand out?

Our NFTs are backed by real world objects and by the names of the fine wine producers.

We provide access to great customized wines. Our product is tailor made and it is a perfect blend of digital and real assets.

Also what is unique to our team, that we have deep understanding and experience in international wine trading and wine education. One of the cofounders has a WSET level 4 Diploma in London which is an internationally recognised expert-level qualification covering all aspects of wine.

And the experience in “real world” wine business means connections with the best producers in the world and the possibility to bring them to your ecosystem to trade wine NFTs.

Our USP - 5 pillars

Real product - the product itself (top class Champagne) has a market value and it is a real asset. Within years the value of Top Champagne will be even higher!

Security - blockchain is a key control to secure your unique ownership and guaranteed provenance

Own customization - in ordinary retail the choice of a shelf is given, you cannot change anything. We provide tailor made customisation made by your own

Freedom - Disposal at any time and any place around the Globe. You can gift by easy transfer of NFTs to wallet, trade, claim and drink it or hold.

Easy to start - You don’t need expertise in wine - this is our job, you don’t need a lot of money for initial investment - low threshold of entry into wine world

Pretty sure the wine industry is an empty field for any kind of blockchain cooperations)