Translation and reviewing of of 5 articles to Portuguese

Translation and reviewing of 5 five articles from LearnNear into Portuguese. By andersonr.near and jcosta.near.

Original: Crypto Best Practices: Tips For A Seamless Crypto Experience - Learn NEAR Club
Translation: 10. Melhores práticas de criptografia: dicas para uma experiência de criptografia perfeita - Google Docs

Translation: Crypto Hero, jogo na NEAR - Google Docs

Original: Integrating with NEAR Protocol - Learn NEAR Club
Translation: 9. Uma descrição da nossa jornada de integração NEAR - Google Docs

Original: What is Octopus Network? - Learn NEAR Club
Translation: O que é Octopus Network - Google Docs

Original: A Quick Introduction To The DeBio Network - Learn NEAR Club
Translation: Uma rápida introdução à rede DeBio - Google Docs