Say Hello to NEAR in Minutes ๐Ÿ‘‹

Say Hello to NEAR in Minutes !:wave:

Are you hungry :yum: for learning NEAR, and curious about all the new NEAR topics?
Read on โ†“.

Whether you are in your discovery phase of NEAR ๐Ÿ•ตโ€โ™‚, or you are continuing to deep explore :face_with_monocle: all the interesting NEAR topics; We know the biggest challenge that you may face is Time :stopwatch:.

Thatโ€™s why we are thrilled to announce :tada: :partying_face: the launching of NEAR in Minutes :rocket:. Thatโ€™s been developed specifically to make it as easy as possible to learn about NEAR by binge-watching videos in your favorite language.

:bulb: Do you want to know another great fact about NEAR in Minutes? Itโ€™s a Community-based initiative. All the great content is created by generous community members who are passionate about NEAR and sharing knowledge.

  • :books: Learn effectively. Enjoy rich, straightforward content covering core NEAR topics like NEAR CLI.
  • ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป Contribute and engage. Weโ€™d bet you know a piece of interesting NEAR information, Why keep it under your hat? Share and support NiM.
  • :globe_with_meridians: Multiple languages. English is not your mother tongue? No worries! NiM offers you a wide range of language support.

Ok, enough with the talks letโ€™s get to numbers.

NEAR in Minutes currently includes:

:vhs: :globe_with_meridians: :stopwatch: :pushpin: ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป
63 videos 4 languages 6.0 hours of content 24 tags to filter 6 contributors

Did we forget to mention our yummy theme :yum: ! Some topics are a feast with loads of videos like NEAR CLI. Unfortunately, other topics are fasting like Near indexer. We are surely hungry for more content. Arenโ€™t you?

Curious about all the awesome contributors to NiM? You can learn more about them and take a look at their content creation by visiting the authorsโ€™ page.

How about joining the contributors? Currently, we have three types of contribution:

  • Submit New Content if you have a video in mind you would like to create and add to the collection of videos.
  • Suggest New Topic if you would like to translate the content to another language. Currently, we support Turkish and Hindi.
  • Translate Content if you have a topic in mind and you would like to suggest so someone else can make a tutorial about it.

And donโ€™t worry if you donโ€™t know how to start the contribution process. Weโ€™ve got you covered with a guide from A to Z on how to contribute.

NEAR in Minutes is a NEAR-COOP

NEAR-COOP is short for โ€œNEAR Community Owned and Operated Projectโ€.

NEAR in Minutes is built by the community to serve the community. To learn more check the about page. Spoiler alert- You can earn by helping others learn. You could earn NEAR tokens to teach others โ€” weโ€™re funding contributions now!

We also know good ideas grow when theyโ€™re shared. Spread the word and the knowledge.

So now you know. Come check it out yourself!


Amazing work @hiba, donโ€™t slow down!