Sandbox [September] Reward Claim of [DoyceVita#0968]

Claim 1

  1. Is it an act or series? Series .
  2. Type of Activity:
  • Sandbox Referral Program .
  • Feedback
  1. Briefly describe the activity (act or series or both):
  2. Act: Bring Developers to NEAR Academy Series: Developer Completes Academy and Becomes NEAR Certified. *
  • I bring some developers from my company and my college to OWS and NEAR Academy. They all have completed certificates from NEAR Academy.
  • I also did feedback for OWS survey :smiley:
  1. Provide the link to the end result:

These are their discord handles and certificates links:

DrGGeek#9491- Oksana Dontseva : Near Academy
fun123#1413-Roman Dernitskiy : Near Academy
j1noo#8268- Radzivil Yanovenka : Near Academy
nicher12#7385- Magnat Octinckiy : Near Academy
grigory#3898- Grigiriy Podorozhik : Near Academy

  1. Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities (acts or series or both) you have completed. This has to be in accordance with the rolling opportunities list.

The estimated reward is 160 USD , 5 developers completed the course (30 USD one time per developer) = 30*5 = 150 , 10 USD for filling in the general feedback survey for the OWS.

ALL Rewards: 160 usd

Unfortunately we continue seeing abuse of some of the provided opportunities. Our team has limited resources and cannot verify fake NEAR Academy “completers” nor identify if the accounts are indeed different people. That being said, we announced earlier in the month that we have removed this category for October, in addition to the survey form. We hope to return this category in the future with additional verification processes. Thanks for your contribution!