Sandbox [November] Reward Claim of [huyhai_dang]

Claim 1

  1. Series
  2. Type of Activity: Social Media NEAR Force
  3. Briefly describe the activity:
  • Sustain your channel: grow your followers, posting updates/news/comments
  • Channel Creation
  1. Provide the link to the end result: 2
  2. Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 100 USD

Claim 2

  1. Act
  2. Type of Activity: Content Creation
  3. Briefly describe the activity: Providing 13 Infographic posts relating to NEAR Ecosystem
  4. Provide the link to the end result:
  1. Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 10 * 13 = 130 USD

Claim 3

  1. Series
  2. Type of Activity: Content Creation
  3. Briefly describe the activity: Brainstorm a collection of infographics that builds off of each other/Re-Designing and post it on active social media

Provide the link to the end result: - Threat of 8 - Threat of 3 - Threat of 8 - Threat of 2

  1. Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities:


Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 100+130 +210 = 440USD

However, the max cap is 300USD so the total reward to claim is 300 USD

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Hi there, thank you for your submission, your claim will be reviewed in due time. Meanwhile, please correct the title in the right format:

β€œSandbox [Relevant month] Reward Claim of [Your discord handle]”
*This is very important for later data analysis. Thank you!

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Hi @HiimHuyHai, thank you for your great contribution!

Claim #1: Approved. Nice posting plan, keep engaging with helpful information.
Claim #2: Approved for 12 infographics ($10/infographic) and 1 simple design ($5/design)
Claim #3: Approved for:

  • 2 infographics
  • 2 thread of minimum 5 infographics

Note that the minimum number of infographics in a thread is 5/10

Approved for the DAO application for $300 by moderator
Only voted through after subject line is in the right format


  • Daily Social Media Force: $100
  • 1 Simple design: $5
  • 14 Accepted Infographics: $140
  • 2 threads of 5 infographics: 2 x 60 = $120

Total: 100 + 5 + 140 + 120 = $365 max capped to $300

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