[November 2021] Open Web Sandbox Rewards and Opportunities

Open Web Sandbox Full List of Rolling Rewards November 2021:

Below is a list of the rolling rewards for the Sandbox for the month of November. For detailed instructions on how to post rewards and how to claim rewards please see: The Sandbox SputnikDAO Guide for Claiming Rewards

This document translated into Russian: [Ноябрь 2021] Награды и Возможности Open Web Sandbox - Google Docs
Translation into Spanish: [November 2021] Open Web Sandbox Oportunidades y Recompensas - Google Docs
Translation into Hindi:
Open web sandbox rolling rewards[november 2021] maheena ki poori suchi: - Google Docs

Note 1: For the tasks included in the list below there is a monthly limit of 300 USD reward per contributor per month.

Note 2: We tried to make the list of rolling rewards posted below as detailed as possible. If you have any additional ideas or suggestions regarding the list, please contact one of the Sandbox moderators. There is always room for new suggestions! This means that we want you to be creative and to feel free to generate your own independent contributions or initiatives! We do have two conditions for it: 1. discuss it with moderators before you start and 2. make sure it brings value to the NEAR ecosystem!

Please feel welcome to schedule a meeting with our moderators if you come up with a new idea of contribution and we will accommodate your insight and discuss the appropriate reward.

Note 3: {For the tasks OUTSIDE the list below}
If you have decided to work on the task that isn’t present on the list below, please contact one of the OWS moderators (@vrdoingthings @Sofia_Alum @Jacopo) who will be happy to chat with you and explore further opportunities! To ensure your work is rewarded in the best possible way after completion, you need to get approval BEFORE you start working on the task/initiative! To minimise confusion and information asymmetry, we strongly advise you to share your working plan with us before incurring any costs. The OWS will NOT compensate any reimbursements in retrospect.

Note 4: Please limit your claims to ONE claim per month. If you want to request a reward for something you did after your first claim is approved, you will have to wait until the next payout period.

Note 5: While creating a post for the payout on the forum, make sure to include the relevant month in the topic according to the provided template. Otherwise, your DAO proposal will be declined.

1. Content Creation:

For this particular category, make sure that the content you create is is in line with the official Quality Control Guidelines.

Focus Area Act Reward Series Final Reward
Do a complete write-up discussing one of 6 following NEAR-related topics and post it on Social Media 1. Bridge / EVM / DevEx / Aurora / Community

2. NEAR Business Updates: Break Down Projects Developing on NEAR and Discuss Their Future Potential in line with Metrics and Analytics

3. NEAR dApp Guides

4. New Partnerships on NEAR: explain the new solution, how NEAR helps it, and what future opportunities it brings to the protocol

5. Web3 Innovation and Development: Provide an overview of a growing Web3 marketplace. Explain why NEAR is an accommodating L1 solution.

6. Articles about NEAR Projects/Guidelines on how to interact with NEAR/NEAR Projects
40 USD per 500 words Edit, add related self-made visuals to the write-up (graphics and videos)Edit, add related visuals of other people/from other sources to the write-up 50 USD (graphics +videos added)

70 USD (+ own video is added)

60 USD(+own graphic is added)

80 USD (+ own video and graphic are added)

60 USD (+ NOT self-produced graphics +videos are added)

30 USD (50+ likes on Twitter for the twitted write-up, one-time bonus)
Write an analytical analysis on NEAR Token and Price / Ecosystem Metrics and Analytics or compare to other Tokens AND post it on social media Technical / Fundamental / StakingInclude Some (Statistical) Data Analysis 60 USD per 500 words Edit, add related self-made visuals (graphics, videos) or interview with the team member to the write-up Edit, add related visuals (graphics, videos) of other people/other sources 90 USD (both own graphics and videos OR interview with the team are added)

80 USD (only own video is added)

70 USD (only own graphic is added)

65 USD (both graphics and videos are added)
Memes/Simple designs Create a meme or a simple design (logo or text over the background/image) AND post it on active social media (100+ followers, regular posting) tagging @OpenWebSandbox AND @NEARProtocol in your post 5 USD NA !!! MAXIMUM OF 15 MEMES PER PERSON PER MONTH!!!

Your content has to be approved by the community: a minimum of 3 likes per meme posted is a basic eligibility requirement
Videos 1. Create a video going over NEAR related topics/projects, technical tutorials, guides, etc AND post it on active social media

2. Create a video tutorial going over how to use apps built on NEAR
35 USD NA Your content has to be approved by the community: a minimum of 5 likes, 50 views per video and minimal duration of 3 minutes are basic eligibility requirements
Infographics Create an infographic for a project or a concept related to NEAR AND post it on active social media(100+ followers, regular posting) 10 USD Brainstorm a thread of infographics that builds off of each other/Re-Designing and post it on active social media 60 USD (for a thread of minimum 5 infographics)

125 USD (for a thread of min 10 infographics

!!!MAXIMUM 30 infographics per month per person!!!

Your content has to be approved by the community: a minimum of 3 likes per infographic is a basic eligibility requirement
Graphic Design Create a design for a project or a concept related to NEAR TBD with Sandbox moderators

2. Promotion: Social Media NEAR Force:

! Limited to one social media account from each platform (Twitter, Youtube, Tik-Tok, Reddit, Telegram) per person !

Focus Area Act Reward Series Final Reward
Creation of a channel Create the open Web Sandbox OR NEAR related Account on Twitter, Reddit, Tik-Tok, Telegram (public chat) (has to be NEAR/OWS branded, NOT be your personal account) 3 USD Creation Bonus Sustain your channel: grow your followers, posting updates/news/comments

Your account must have at least 100 followers to be eligible for this category

One-time bonuses once you reach 200-500-1000 followers in the concerned month

Sustain your channel: grow your followers, posting updates/news/comments

Promote/Discuss the Open Web Sandbox and NEARSubscribers
100 USD (daily tweets with caption throughout the month)

50 USD (occasional tweets with caption, min 3 posts/week)

One-time bonus for reaching x number of followers: 50 USD-100 USD -150 USD
Promotion in community chat/groups Share one Sandbox/NEAR related post 3 USD

3.Content Translation and Subtitles:

Focus Area Act Reward Series Final Reward
Translating and sharing with relevant community/social media(Work with social media, guilds, and other NEAR communities to translate content for specific audiences. Provide Data and metrics on the success of the content.) A tweet/small post/message

A Piece of NEAR related ContentTranslating NEAR Web Materials and Developer Materials

Translate the entire document of NEAR documentation into another language
2 USD(per tweet)

25 USD (per 500 words for NEAR-related content )

35 USD (per document for developer materials)
Distribution bonus 25 USD (50+ likes on Twitter for the write-up, one-time bonus
Adding Subtitles To A Video or Talk From NEAR Core Create Subtitles for a talk, presentation or town hall from NEAR core and have it implemented into the TownHall. And share the video with a relevant community, on social media 40 USD (per 30min)

4. Sandbox Referral Program:

Focus Area Act Reward Series Final Reward
Bringing People to The Sandbox Bring Someone Into Sandbox and make sure they fill in the ‘Contributor profile’ form 3 USD Recruit More Than 15 people in a month 20 USD(one time & limited to 20 people per person per month)
Bringing New Projects Into the Sandbox Bring NEAR project to the ecosystem and have them reach out to Sandbox moderators 50 USD Project Requests Budget and Uses Budget for Further Tasks in the Ecosystem Consistently Over 3 Month Span 100 USD (one time)
Bringing New Projects from outside NEAR ecosystem Into the Sandbox/NEAR Bring a new project from outside that wants to start building on NEAR and have them reach out to Contact Sandbox moderators to determine your personal reward Project Requests Budget and Uses Budget for Further Tasks in the Ecosystem Consistently Over 3 Month Span TBD

5. Vectors and Outreach:
(For academic insights to discuss with Universities, check: Documentation - Near Guilds )

Focus Area Act Reward Series Final Reward
Outreach to Universities Host an event or present on NEAR to a University 75 USD Set up a recurring meeting with a university on exploring and discovering opportunities with NEAR 10USD -150 USD ( TBD with moderators before applying)
Outreach to Professors Set Up A Public Event with the Professor on a topic relating to NEAR / The Open Web / A Specific Industry 75 USD Host a series of thematic panels/debates / interviews with more than one professor 100-200 USD ( TBD with moderators before applying)
Outreach to Other Projects in Crypto Setup a Panel Discussing NEAR in relation to another crypto project 75 USD Host a series of thematic panels/debates / interviews with more than one professor 100-200 USD ( TBD with moderators before applying)
Outreach to Private Organizations Public Discussion / Panel with a private company on adopting NEAR based ecosystem solutions or the future of Web3. 75 USD Host a series of thematic panels/debates / interviews with more than one company 100-200 USD ( TBD with moderators before applying)
Outreach to Private Or Public Discussion / Panel with a private company on adopting NEAR based ecosystem solutions or the future of Web3. 75 USD Host a series of thematic panels/debates / interviews with more than one company 100-200 USD ( TBD with moderators before applying)
Create a Vector for Future NEAR Development Mirror a Vector off of 4NTS Vector strategy including design and format. 75 USD Use the Vector to set up more than 1 event. 90 USD

6. The OWS Engagement:

Focus Area Act Reward Series Final Reward
Webinar/event/AMA It is an open call for anyone who wants to host a themed talk about any of the NEAR-related topics can promote and host their own mini AMA on the OWS voice/stadium channel, so long as you also share materials either created in the Sandbox or by LEARN NEAR. 70 USD Set up our own Sandboxers Speakers series where folks can share about their NEAR passions and find like-minded people in real-time!) 100-200 USD ((bi-)weekly activity throughout the month)

@Sofia_Alum @Jacopo
I m new here. I could not connect to DISCORD channel here, Open Web Sandbox
to engage with the team activities. Can anyone help ?


Hi! @Syed Can you tell me what problem exactly you are facing? Maybe a screenshot would help?

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@Sofia_Alum ,
Thank you for your hand

When give Accept. It keeps on saying unable to accept.

What mistake in my side?

and if you try it from here: Open Web Sandbox - Introduction to the NEAR Community ?

I ll share the small clip for your reference

Its a loom video and shared publicly. Please let me know
Issue from Browser? Or any other Authentication step before this?


Ok, very strange. I tried creating a new invite for you, could you try please? Open Web Sandbox ?

No. Its not Working @Sofia_Alum . :expressionless:
may be you can invite there if possible.

My Discord Handle: SyedAbu#1431

added you on discord

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