Sandbox [November] Reward Claim of [aidonker#8606]

Claim #1: Social Media NEAR Force
Type of Activity: Social Media NEAR Force.
Briefly describe the activity:
Creation of a channel – Twitter Handle @NearMultiverse
Link to profile -
Social Media Force - 100USD
Total - 100 USD

Claim 2: Infographics
Act: Creation of Infographics for Concept related to NEAR and post it on the active social media.
Series: Brainstorm Collection of Infographics and posted in social media.
Link for the Activity:

  1. 24/Noviembre


  3. 24/Noviembre

Total $10 x 3 = $30 USD

#Claim 3


  1. 6/Noviembre
  2. 7/Noviembre
  3. 9/Noviembre
  4. 14/Noviembre
  5. 15/Noviembre
  6. 16/Noviembre
  7. 21/Noviembre
  8. 21/Noviembre

Collection of 8 Memes x $5USD = $40 USD

Claim #4 Others ( Content Translation and Subtitles)

A tweet/small post/message: In the activity of the month, $30 in General.

TOTAL CLAIM = 100+40+30+30 = $200 USD

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Hey Aidonker ! Nice to see you here building community from Ecuador. Good work, keep sharing it on discord.

This infographic is awesome:

This one is not that much, poor quality:

Please avoid to send all the work in the same day, like those 3 infographics on November 24 with rush because of the timeline.

Love your memes ! :white_check_mark:

But very low interaction in some posts like here:

Descubrimiento de precio descentralizado y evento de distribución $META en Skyward | by Butneversaved | Meta Pool Hispano | Medium

Good translation ! Did you share it on Near Hispano Telegram ?

Please send me here each twitter link about this claim:

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  • Thank you dude! I do all best that can!

  • I see it very well … but I understand I will improve

I will improve!! I promise :')


Yeah! At Discord metapool, OWS NearHispano and Telegram NearHispano!


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Cool ! Another tip: For tweet translations you should tag the hispanic community, like NearHispano, NearVenezuela and other similars.

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Noted, I tagged NearDominicana before.

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btw, The meme is accepted with rules in OWS. I will improve interaction.

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Approved $148 :white_check_mark:

Occasional activity + 15 translations + 2 infographics + 8 memes

  • creation of a channel $3
  • low quality infographic into $5

You have low interaction on most of your tweets, so they will not count for daily activity. You will need 3+ likes on each tweet

We are going to have an AMA on Spanish very soon ! Stay tooned :v: I will give you tips and insights so we can growth the community even more ! :beers: :sunglasses:

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Claim extra: Channel creation $3

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