Sandbox [June 2021] Claim the reward of [hungstock1#7411]


1 - action or series - series.

2 - type of activity - advertising - social media near force.

3 - Brief description of the operation: -I have set up twitter and Paras accounts to advertise my NEAR art [TrendHeo]. While this is part of my personal creative journey, it is also meant to spread the word and encourage other artists to follow me to NEAR and explore it as a new option for music. cast and sell their work.
The account tweets NEAR content regularly.

4 - Provide a link to the final result:

5 - mention the relevant name of the project or guild (if the action or thread was specifically posted by the project or guild)
mintbase - Para - ref Finance - token Farm

6 - estimate your reward accounting for all activities (actions or sequences or both) you have completed. this must match the alternate opportunity list.
Total : 20N.

Approved for a proposal on DAO