Sandbox [January] Reward Claim of [kcpesce#9963] [kcpesce.near]

  1. Project Task: CURA DAO Artist Outreach & Telegram Management
    I am keeping the Telegram channel clean from spams and ads, providing infos and engaging with members. Our Telegram has most of its population filled with NFT artists and some creative coders. I also look for creative coders in various socials and channels to try our testnet website before deploying it to the mainnet.

Join our Telegram:

if you’re a creative coder and have some testing art you can deploy at our website, Please try and we’ll dedicate a channel for you :slight_smile:

Estimated Final Reward: $500

  1. Project Task: NEAR Design Guild Channel Moderator
    I welcome people and artist and have them fill up a form to store in our database to contact the in the future for possible collaboration. I also sometimes bridge other projects into NDG but now it is done by our Accounts Manager.

NDG Telegram:
NDG Discord: NEAR Design Guild

If you are a visual artist, an illustrator, a photoshop ninja, a Figma wizard or a video editor, kindly fill up this form for our database for future projects you might be interested in!

Estimated Final Reward: $100

Calculated reward for all activities: $600


Hey there, thank you for your contribution, the payout request is approved in full - 600$ :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much, VR :slight_smile:

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