“Sandbox [December] Reward Claim of [Mh#7911]” [sid09.near]

Translating and sharing with relevant community/social media (Work with social media, guilds, and other NEAR communities to translate content for specific audiences.

ऑलब्रिज (Allbridge)ने औरोरा (Aurora)और टेरा (Terra) के बीच पहला पुल लॉन्च किया

Total words:902

Result: 902 * 25/500=45usd

Write a technical / semi-technical / non-technical article about Aurora / Ref.finance / any other NEAR project/application

Project Aurora is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) on the NEAR Protocol blockchain

Total words:518 * 40/500 = 40usd + self made graphic 10usd =50usd

Write a technical / semi-technical / non-technical article about Aurora / Ref.finance / any other NEAR project/application

What is Near Protocol?

Total words: 545 * 40/500 = 40.5 usd + self made graphic 10 usd = 50.5 usd

Analytical analysis article on NEAR Token and Price / ecosystem metrics and analytics / compare to other tokens. Technical / fundamental analysis backed by statistical data.

What is the reason that Near Token jumped this fast “Near token’s price movement"

Total words:515 * 60/500 = 60usd + self made gaphic 10 usd =70 usd

Total: 45+50+50.5+70=215.5

Feedback given : Rewards : 2 NEAR

TOTAL REWARDS: 215.5usd + 2 NEAR

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Hi @Sid, thank you for your contribution, your proposal will be reviewed by the due time. Meanwhile, please provide the original document of your translation work, thank you!

At the end of article the link to original article is present

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Hey @Sid, Thank you For the Contribution Towards Open Web Sandbox , Wish you a Happy New Year.

Unfortunately your claim has been Rejected by OWS Moderator. We found the Articles Written has Plagiarism. hence Banning this Account from Future Contribution to OWS.

is copied from

which has 73% Plagiarism

is similar to

https://thedapplist.com/learn/what-is-near-protocol/ & What is NEAR Protocol (NEAR) - Crypto Margin Trading Guide
which has 86% Plagiarism

is similar to

Which has plagiarism up to 67%