Sandbox [December] Reward Claim of [aakashguru#2408]

Claim #1: Social Media NEAR Force

  1. Act
  2. Type of Activity: Social Media NEAR Force.
  3. Briefly describe the activity: grow your followers, posting updates/news/comments
  4. Provide the link to the end result:
  5. Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 100 USD

Claim #2: Content Creation

  1. Series.
  2. Type of Activity: Infographics.
  3. Briefly describe the activity: I Created an infographic for a project or a concept related to NEAR
  4. Provide the link to the result:
  5. Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 60 USD

Claim #3: Content Creation

  1. Series.
  2. Type of Activity: Infographics.
  3. Briefly describe the activity: I Created an infographic for a project or a concept related to NEAR
  4. Provide the link to the result:
  5. Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 60 USD

Claim #4: Sandbox Referral Program

  1. Act
  2. Type of Activity: Bringing People to The Sandbox.
  3. Briefly describe the activity: Referred a friend to Sandbox and made them fill contributor profile
  4. Provide the link to the result:

  1. Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 3 USD

Total: 223 USD

OWS survey:

Rewards: 2 NEAR

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Hey @aakash , Thank you the Contribution towards Open Web Sandbox, Happy New Year.

Claim #1 - Social Media Near Force - Rejected - No Activity Throughout the Month.

Claim #2 - Infographics - Approved - 60 USD

Claim #3 - Content Creation - Approved - Although This cannot be Taken Consideration as Infographics, Infographics need to Comprehensive and Easy to Understand.

Claim #4: Sandbox Referral Program
As this is not Part of the OWS Rolling Opportunities Anymore.

OWS Survey - 2 NEAR

Total Claim - 60 + 40 = 100 USD & 2 NEAR