RIR Fellowship NEAR Hispano Syllabus project, onboarding partners and universities

Project title: NEAR University bootcamps - NEAR Hispano Play Book. Rubrics, Self-assessments and generating questions for NCA, NCD and NCP Bootcamps. Ambassadors Manual. Followup Platzi

One-liner: Fellowship Researcher in NEAR Hispano

Series: Near Hispano Notion Play Book Onboarding Universities to NEAR University programs. Support new partners for NEAR University.

Project members

  • Luz Margarita

Payout month:2022-07-01T07:00:00Z2022-07-31T07:00:00Z

NEAR target accounts: luzmargaritas.near


Rubrics, Self-assessments and generating questions for NCA, NCD and NCP Bootcamps for Notion NEAR Hispano Playbook

Ambassadors Manual for Near Hispano

Followup Platzi
Via Telegram Group