Retrieve all wallet addresses from public key

I’m trying to get an account balance from a seed phrase.

I’m first retrieving the public key from the seed const { publicKey, /*privateKey*/ } = parseSeedPhrase(seedPhrase);.

And then I’d like to retrieve all the account addresses associated to that public key, whether it’s a named account or an implicit account. I’m try with the following: const address = nearAPI.utils.PublicKey.fromString(publicKey).data.hexSlice(); but it only returns one address.

Here is the full code:

const nearAPI = require("near-api-js");
const { parseSeedPhrase } = require('near-seed-phrase');

const seedPhrase = process.env.SEED_PHRASE;

// To recover keys from the seed phrase
const { publicKey, /*privateKey*/ } = parseSeedPhrase(seedPhrase);

// To recover address from the public key
const address = nearAPI.utils.PublicKey.fromString(publicKey).data.hexSlice();

const { connect } = nearAPI;

const connectionConfig = {
  networkId: "mainnet",
  nodeUrl: "",
  walletUrl: "",
  helperUrl: "",
  explorerUrl: "",

// gets account balance
const getBalance = async() => {
  try {
    const nearConnection = await connect(connectionConfig);
    const account = await nearConnection.account(address);
    const balance = await account.getAccountBalance();

    if (parseFloat( > 0) {
  } catch (e) {
