Project Title: New Full Tutorial for Near in Rust.
One-liner: Tutorial Repository for developing Near Contracts in Rust
Project Summary: : There are many great tutorials about creating NEAR contracts in Rust. This project isn’t intended to be a replacement to any of those. Instead, it will be detailed examples about the features of Rust using NEAR contracts. Several times when the compiler gives an error, a new developer may feel compelled to just try making changes until the error go away.
This tutorial will show all possible implementations for all kinds of features in rust. Including ownership, modules, traits, generics, enums and so on. That way it can work as reference for aspiring rustaceans.
Project Members: Lucas Lemos, Matias Wald
Period: jun 01 → jun 30
Extra : Project is written in Brazilian Portuguese. Translations to English and Spanish are also being made by Matias Wald.
The following list are the results obtained by me:
Week 17
- Finished implementing the Code for lesson 6-3 game score.
- As explained in previous week, it’s intended for game developers. By looking at the upsides and downsides of web3 costs, a few interesting styles of games can still be developed. Lesson-6-3 is an example of a rogue-like game. We don’t specify heavily on in-game mechanics so developers feel free to implement their own.
- Started giving private lectures to a developer in fiverr, 3 lessons of 2 hours each about Near smart contracts built in Rust.
- Helped NEAR Austin Rust Workshop meetup by giving a remote 2 hour session.
Week 18
- After testing the code. Found several optimizations and bug-fixes that made things a lot easier to read.
- Joined Near University NCD call and helped answer some questions.
Week 19
- Wrote documentation for the code.
- Still not finished writing the with details about the smart contract architecture.
- Couldn’t join Near University NCD due to already having a schedule with a fiverr developer.
Week 20
- Finished writing the with details about the smart contract and the subject of the lesson. Link:
- Joined NEAR University NCD and helped answer a few questions in chat.
For the next steps.
- Need to finish the next lesson, that will be about creating traits.
- Need to update all the lessons to near-sdk version 4.0.0.
- Need to Finish translating from English to Brazilian Portuguese. Lesson 6-2 needs to be translated from brazilian portuguese to english.