[Report] New Tutorial Repository for developing Near Contracts in Rust (feb 08 -> feb 15, 2022)

Project Title: New Full Tutorial for Near in Rust.

One-liner: New Tutorial Repository for developing Near Contracts in Rust

Project Summary: : There are many great tutorials about creating NEAR contracts in Rust. This project isn’t intended to be a replacement to any of those. Instead, it will be a list of detailed examples about the features of Rust using NEAR contracts. Several times when the compiler gives an error, a new developer may feel compelled to just try making changes until the error go away.

This tutorial will show all possible implementations for all kinds of features in rust. Including ownership, modules, traits, generics, enums and so on. That way it can work as reference for aspiring rustaceans.

Project Members: Lucas Lemos

Period: Feb 08 → Feb 15 (Brazil)

Extra : Project has the main branch in Brazilian Portuguese, and another in English. Will also create a near-in-minutes video for each one of the lessons (which hopefully will be worthy of the platform).

The following list are the results obtained by me:

  • Written a tutorial introduction (portuguese-br). Not finished. Link: https://github.com/On0n0k1/Tutorial_NEAR_Rust
  • Written a tutorial on installing near-cli (portuguese-br). Link: https://github.com/On0n0k1/Tutorial_NEAR_Rust/blob/main/static/tutorials/nearcli.md
  • Written a tutorial on installing rust (portuguese-br). Link: https://github.com/On0n0k1/Tutorial_NEAR_Rust/blob/main/static/tutorials/rust.md
  • Written a tutorial on lesson_1_contracts explaining what happens on each line of code for a simple NEAR contract in rust (portuguese-br). Still need to explain unit tests. Link: https://github.com/On0n0k1/Tutorial_NEAR_Rust/tree/main/lesson_1_contract

Last week I implemented the code examples for the first 4 topics. Only after that I realized that most people would rather have something to read instead.

I still need to create a tutorial on using cargo and near-cli (portuguese-br). That way I can be sure that learners won’t be missing anything. English versions will come later. Please ignore english versions for now.