[REPORT] NEAR Future Tickets - Jun 25 - Jun 29

NEAR Future Tickets (NFT)

Onboarding NEAR Certified Developer Bootcamp participants to Developers in Residence program.

dApp link: https://near-future-tickets.vercel.app/

Project members:


This past week we had a lot of issues regarding our deployed version of the project, so I spent most of it trying to solve it so we could show our dApp to near hispano members to hear their feedback on the app. This took place on thursday with Cristian Zambrano and some of the members from near hispano that joined the meeting. We had positive feedback overall and some things to keep in mind to improve on the future. Gladly, we are almost ready to go out on mainnet and test our dApp with real users.

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Amazing guys! Congrats for your launchment of mainnet :confetti_ball:
We need to coordinate spaces to announce your results and achievements :fire: :heart: