[Report] Development of Minga Dapp - Escrow Services (Mar 18→ 24, 2022)

Project title: Minga Dapp

One-liner: A decentralized escrow account to help users buying non-fungible tokens with secure payments using Blockchain technology.

Project Summary

Secure escrow account services for buying Non Fungible Tokens using Near Blockchain Technology.

Series: Onboarding NEAR Certified Developer bootcamp participants to Developers in Residence program.

Project members

Rosa María Orellana - @rosamaria
Dennis Vivas Zelada - @d3nn1svz.near
Walquer Valles - @WalquerX


Mar 18→ Mar 24, 2022 (Perú)

The following list are the results obtained for the team:

  • Wireframes mobile experience for the seller workflow in the escrow process.
  • Improve the Web Design of the high level of the web application for the seller experience. in testnet enviroment See the complete version in https://testnet.esccrow.finance/
  • Deployment of three more methods of the smart contract for the seller experience on testnet. Verificacion of the transaction, update of the transaction.

The code with the progress of the project would be uploaded to the following link: GitHub

To know about how the team is organizing and developing this project we prepare a channel in the NEAR Hispano discord server called #minga-dapp, inside the channel the team records videos about updates. Besides, you can find our progress in Link to FintechLab discord: FintechLab Discord