[REPORT] Development of Marketplace BlockJobs February 2022

Project: BlockJobs - Marketplace of Professional Services, with intermediation through a DAO in the event of a dispute between professional and employer.

Links: Initial proposal, Schedule, Repo, Trello, Mock-up

Series: Onboarding NEAR Certified Developer Bootcamp participants to Developers in Residence program.

Project members:


Period: January 2022:

This month we were working in a pre-sale and airdrop system, improve the frontend working with a designer and doing testing and corrections in our contracts.
We already have the v1 on testnet ready for invitate users to test the marketplace.

To know about how the team is organizing and developing this project we prepare a channel in the NEAR Hispano discord server called #:computer:-marketplace-servicios-profesionales, inside the channel the team records videos about daily updates.