[ Proposal] Smile Selfie Challenge

Smile Selfie Challenge

In the light of engaging our community members, we launched our selfie challenge last month.

This challenge created a lot of buzz and engagement in the community.

A beautiful challenge as a sign of happiness, togetherness and love in the community, we will be having the second edition this month

How to participate ,take a selfie of you smiling or just looking happy with a caption of few words.

Selfies with the highest engagements on the forum gets a reward of 30$.
The remaining winners will be chosen from our onchain community members.
A poll will be created on our astrodao for each selfie for onchain community members to vote.

The top 4 selfies with the highest votes gets 25$ dollars each.

We want our onchain community members to get familiar with the use of astro Dao.


30$ ; selfie with the most engagements on forum

25$ * 4 : the 4 winners will be selected by community members on our astro Dao

Total budget ; 130 $