Proposal: Simplifying Community Funding

This is an awesome proposal and looking forward to further explanation/expansion of the total goal put in here.

Hi everyone, sorry for the delay in replying.

I think that with what has been mentioned above by @erik.near we are moving towards the right direction.

I’m part of a recently born regional guild that belongs to the 80% of guilds that can be considered a community.

Based on my experience, we need to aim to simplify the guild system giving it more structure and to ensure sustainability in the long term.

I agree with the sentence “You can easily kill the culture of a community with too much funding”.

In my opinion funding is a really delicate topic and can be a double edge sword. Too much funding can bring to laziness or “speculation” (can’t find a better term) but too few might lead to demotivation. I agree with the tiring system: basic, active and engaged but we need to ensure that the system is rewarding for the “heroes” that go above and beyond to create an on chain community that is consistent and reliable.