[Approved] Regional DAO Dashboard

Hello team, we’ve shared the proposal for Near Regional DAO APIs, and we’re super excited to get this going.

:newspaper_roll: Summary

This proposal outlines the development of a Regional DAO Dashboard APIs for Near Community, aimed at providing an easy-to-understand and intuitive user experience for tracking the growth of socials within regional DAOs. The APIs will offer comprehensive analytics, key performance indicators (KPIs), and growth tracking capabilities, enabling efficient monitoring and evaluation of community activities.

:question: Pain Point

With the increasing popularity and growth of regional DAOs, there is a need for a platform to monitor and analyze their social metrics. Currently, there is a lack of a comprehensive solution that allows Near Community to track and assess the performance of its regional DAOs in an accessible and user-friendly manner.

:bulb: Regional DAO Dashboard

The Regional DAO Growth API, will serve as a go-to hub for monitoring and tracking the growth of socials within Near Community’s regional DAOs. It will provide a visually appealing and intuitive user interface, enabling community managers and members to easily navigate and interpret the data presented. The dashboard will facilitate informed decision-making, foster collaboration, and promote qualitative and quantitive decision making.

:gear: Features

  1. Analytics: The dashboard will offer comprehensive analytics, presenting key social metrics such as user growth, engagement rates, content performance, and demographic insights. It will provide real-time data visualization and trend analysis, allowing users to gain valuable insights into the performance of regional DAOs.
  2. KPI Tracking: The dashboard will enable tracking of key performance indicators specific to socials within regional DAOs. Community managers will be able to calculate the KPIs based on their specific community goals and budget allocated, and track their progress over time. This feature will assist in assessing the effectiveness of community initiatives and aid in making data-driven decisions.
  3. Growth Tracking: The dashboard will include a dedicated section for tracking growth of the community in a simplified and understandable manner.

:computer: Tech Stack

The proposed tech stack for developing the Regional DAO Dashboard is the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. This stack is widely used and ensures a robust and scalable solution. MongoDB will serve as the database for storing community data, while Express.js, React.js, and Node.js will be utilized for the development of the frontend and backend components.

IMP - Our team would only be building the APIs that will be then further used by James and his team to build the frontend components on BOS.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Timelines

The development of the Regional DAO APIs is estimated to take approximately 2 weeks from the date of proposal approval. This timeline includes requirements gathering, design and development, testing, and deployment phases. Regular progress updates will be provided to ensure transparency and timely delivery of the project.


The proposed budget for developing the Regional DAO Growth APis is $2k. This includes the cost of designing, development, testing, deployment, and hosting as well as any necessary iterations based on feedback and requirements adjustments.

Additionally, it also requires the usages of Twitter API, which costs $100/month – so 1344 ($1200+$144) further to cover this cost.

Total Amount - $3344

:page_facing_up: Conclusion:

With Regional DAO Growth API will help with comprehensive real-time analytics and insights, KPI tracking, and growth monitoring capabilities, the APIs will provide anyone to build a custom dashboard on BOS with an easy-to-use and intuitive user experience. We believe that this dashboard will empower community managers and members to make data-driven decisions and foster the continued growth and success of regional DAOs within Near Community.

We’re looking forward to be the active contributors of the ecosystem and help the community make data-driven decisions.

As per the call with Elliot, James and Bakaka - the proposal have been updated with the new scope of work which is only limited to creating Growth API endpoints with database.

Concluding that our team would only be taking care of the final endpoint APIs and Database. James would further be using those APIs to build frontend components on BOS. The budget has been also reduced to $2k, and rest $1344 is the Twitter API charges.


Looking forward to this :+1:
Quick question, is the dashboard being built on the BOS?


Kindly adjust your pricing to $2000 for this project

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Hello, thanks for your support. So to answer your question, the scope of proposal has been updated after the discussion with Elliot, James and Bakaka. We’ll be building the Growth API which will then be used by James and his team to build frontend component on BOS.

These API and Frontend component can then also be reused by anyone looking to have their own customised dashboard.


Thank you @dineshkruplani for your proposal

Am happy to support your proposal after our calls and series of discussions.


Based on the features;

  • After the successful deployment of the dashboard, RCDAO will have valuable insights and a platform to measure and evaluate the performance of our regional communities, which will reduce a lot of loads and give us clear and comprehensive analytics for our decision making.

  • Overview of regional communities social metrics which are one of the key important in measuring the growth, engagement, and performance of our regional communities.

  • If successfully deployed, it will help us track our KPIs in each communities which will also help us in future decisions when it comes to proposal approval and IRL event fund request.

  • RCDAO can assess the effectiveness of each regional communities and make data driven decisions when there is a need for urgent campaigns in the ecosystem.

We are looking forward to the compilation reports on our dashboard

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Thank you for the support, also to mention the proposal has a minor ($144) update wrt certain charges levied by Twitter.

We’ll make sure proper reports are submitted and transparency is maintained with the community. Looking forward to get on this.

Happy to support too.

Let’s do this.

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I support this proposal

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@dineshkruplani thank you very much for your job. Moving to apporoved.

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