[Closed] Near Onboarding - Web3 on Campus by IDNFT

Hey there, NEAR Fam! We’re from IDNFT, and we want to share our plan to help boost the number of users and developers in the NEAR ecosystem. This aligns perfectly with NEAR’s goal of mass onboarding.

Based on the post at: https ://gov.near.org/t/marketing-eco-dao-announcement-novembers-funding-round/36806

We plan to submit funding proposals to MDAO with the goals, values, and targets provided.

Project Information

Organization Name: IDNFT- Indonesian Web3 and NFT Community (est. 2021)

Proposal Title: Near Onboarding - Web3 on Campus by IDNFT

Project Established: 2023

Previous Funding for Web3 on Campus

Near Ecosystem : (none)

Project URLs

Social Media Distribution Channel :

Instagram : https ://www.instagram.com/web3campus/
Instagram: https ://www.instagram.com/web3campus/

Supported Region : Indonesia

Applicant Information

  • Name: @ santosa
  • Link to Governance Forum Profile : https ://gov.near.org/u/santosa/summary
  • NEAR Wallet ID : snts.near
  • Wallet ID : idnft.near
  • Country of Residence : Indonesia
  • Twitter : [https ://twitter.com/0xSantosa] | (https ://twitter.com/idnft_) |
  • LinkedIn : https ://www.linkedin.com/in/santosa-eth/

Team Members

https ://twitter.com/addienfch

https ://twitter.com/Mamedzproject

Near-Campus Onboarding Program:

Web3 adoption is still limited, and universities struggle to provide formal and professional education in this field. There is a clear need for a direct and formal approach through educational institutions. We require a platform for continuous and sustainable growth

We plan to offer a serial course that provides education and adoption of the NEAR Ecosystem in Universities. Inviting students from various universities in Indonesia to learn and explore the potential of the creator economy in NEAR.

Our Clear Goal and Target Audience

  • We are onboarding university students, lecturers or educators, and relevant personnel from educational institutions to join the Web3 community.
  • Ensuring that users undergoing onboarding become accustomed to and understand how to use dApps, along with their goals, benefits, and opportunities.
  • Increasing the number of transactions in the NEAR Protocol ecosystem.
  • Opening up opportunities for more serious collaborations, such as regular training programs, analyzing real-world use cases of NEAR dApps, and exploring problems that can be solved with web3 solutions.

Existing University Partners :

  1. Widyatama University, Bandung
  2. Petra University, Surabaya
  3. Binus University, jakarta
  4. ITS University, Surabaya
  5. Brawijaya University, Malang
  6. Malang State University, Malang
  7. Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
  8. Indonesia Islamic University, Yogyakarta
  9. National Education University, Bandung
  10. Telkom University, Bandung

Upcoming Universities:

  1. Solo State University, Solo
  2. Semarang State University, Semarang
  3. Diponegoro University, Semarang
  4. Padang State University, Padang
  5. Andalas University, Padang

How We bring improvements to several metrics listed by MDAO:

  • Onboarding is carried out using wallets or dApps available on NEAR, such as MyNear Wallet, Meteor Wallet, Here Wallet, and Shard Dog.
  • Providing guidance on how to use popular dApps from NEAR (min.3), such as Sweat Coin, NEAR Social, Arkana, and others, to stimulate user engagement.
  • Providing a boost to drive more widespread usage of dApps through engaging tasks, quizzes, and campaigns tailored to the target audience.
  • Conducting monitoring and tracking to organically observe the activity and enthusiasm of participants, both on-chain and off-chain, including engagement in group discussions and social media metrics.

Program timeline for 1 months programs

Time Topic Details Practic Educators
Day 1 Introduction of Web3 and Near Ecosystem What is Web3 and Blockchain Technology?
The significance of Web3 Wallet, how to create one, and how Web3 wallets operate.
What is Gas Fee?
What is the NEAR Protocol and the technologies it employs?
Explanation of the NEAR ecosystem and the dApps built on it.
Create Near wallet and Sweat Coin + task day 1 IDNFT + Near Indonesia
Day 2 How to using dApps in Near Ecosystem What are dApps?
How are dApps built and how do they operate?
Popular dApps on NEAR: Sweat Wallet, Near Social, Arkana, etc.
Further details regarding dApps and their applications in everyday life.
Create Sweat coin, Arkana and Sweat wallet + task day 2 IDNFT + Near Indonesia + Special Guest
Day 3 Introduction Near Social Introduction to NEAR Social.
Introduction to BOS.
Exploring the features of NEAR Social and its usage.
Create account and exploring near social IDNFT + Near Indonesia
Day4+ Web3 Economy + Group monitoring The impact of Web3 on the economy.
Introduction to DeFi (Decentralized Finance).
Introduction to DeFi dApps on NEAR: MetaPool, LINEAR, etc.
Staking tutorial on NEAR.
Q&A in the group IDNFT + Near Indonesia + Special Guest
  • All participants will create and submitted their Near wallet address
  • Tracking and monitoring each week
  • Monitoring for 1-2 months ahead

Budget Planning:

Event planning, program launching, guest, quiz, social media activities and monitoring : 2500 USD
Prize + Wallet Funding: 500 USD

Total Requested Budget : $3000

Expected Outcome:

  • We have 10+ chat group of university partners that consist of around 1000 students in total
  • We expect 15-25% of them have interest to get onboarded and join this initiatives
  • By calculating the estimation above, we expect can roughly created 1500-2500 on-chain transaction in NEAR in this early stage.

Thank you for your support.


Thank you for your proposal.

What you want to start is great, but I noticed that Near Indonesia has similar activities related to campus onboarding and university programs. It would be great if you could collaborate and work together.

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Hi @santosa thanks for the proposal. I agree with @Bakaka – please first reach out to @agungdjs to see if there are collaborative opportunities here as much of what you are proposing seems to overlap with their current initiatives.

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Thank you MDAO team for the response!

Actually, we have consulted with the NEAR Indonesia team regarding this program, and we were advised to independently contact the Marketing DAO team to propose this initiative. The details are as follows:

  1. Previously, we, IDNFT, have collaborated with NEAR Indonesia to conduct a roadshow to several campuses to provide general education and an initial introduction to the NEAR Protocol alongside other entities (building awareness).
  2. The program we are currently proposing (NEAR Onboarding - Web3 Campus) is the next stage as an advanced funnel from awareness to interest, where there will be many more detailed technical aspects (hard selling) to explore further about the NEAR ecosystem.
  • NEAR Indonesia acts as the curriculum creator, evaluates materials, and supervises.
  • IDNFT (Web3Campus) serves as the on-site organizer, handling preparations, permits, conducting online events, formulating programs, inviting existing partners, and providing reporting. Specifically, to our audience already engaged in the university network that has become our partners.

This initiative aligns very well with the target and KPIs of MDAO in terms of targets, programs, and reporting after the event concludes.

I am happy to open a space for direct discussion via personal means if further clarification is needed.
