[Rejected] LATAM DAO NDC V1 : NDC Budget Subcategory code HOM-004P-1-5 Regional Development

A great proposal for the LATAM community, my full support as always, let’s keep working for our community in Spanish.


we need more spaces in Spanish language in order to spread the use of web 3 in LATAM.


Até que enfim! Tem todo o meu apoio e entusiasmo!
Finally, all my support and enthusiasm to that proposal.
Por fin, tiene todo mi apoyo y entusiasmo.


The LATAM DAO is a unique opportunity to give voice to our region in the blockchain ecosystem. We will be able to address the specific challenges we face and work together to drive growth and innovation in Latin America with NEAR . Therefore, I fully support this initiative.


Congratulations, great proposed and supported


Hi, i can’t support since @whoiscavenaghi is a Council member.
Related to [REPORT] ETH Milan <> CDAO

Would like to see more people like @mariozito or Alan from metapool team


@cloudmex-alan can be a perfect person for council

  1. mintickt.com : Mintickt

Is not from LATAM, but from DACHA @Kemal right ?

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Hi @DDeAlmeida ,
Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate your input. In regards to the issue at hand, we can modify the councilor to address it. I understand that you may have additional details that we are not aware of, so please give me some time to discuss this with my colleagues. Let’s move forward with the proposal without delay, as we don’t want to negatively impact a vast part of the continent and a whole region over issues related to individuals. We are open to any feedback and changes as needed. Rest assured, this can be easily corrected. Regarding the proposal, it’s important to note that the initial councilors were only selected for kickstarting purposes and they are not immovable.

No one is indispensable, including myself. they can be changed in benefit of the project (with observations like yours). The individuals responsible for maintaining operations and having responsibilities (not necessarily the current councils) will be the ones to be remunerated. We want democracy to be a cornerstone of our DAO, just like NDC! I would love to see more Latin leaders get involved, especially the ones you mentioned. They can self-summon to this proposal at any time. The Telegram LATAM DAO group was created for this purpose.

@cloudmex-alan is more than welcome, as are any other well-known regional leaders. It would be great to have them onboard! :heart: Originally, this proposal was intended for South America DAO as we started with the RC DAO idea’s in mind, but it has evolved through further discussions. Mexico (acording to RC-DAO) was intended to be part of North America DAO. If this isn’t the case, then we should definitely include them! In such a scenario, we’ll have to adjust the budget to accommodate their needs, given that they are a significant contributor to this ecosystem. We have been collaborating extensively, so there is no reason for concern.


Excellent proposal, it raises the need to educate the community on Web3 and Near’s blockchain technology and its ecosystem in LATAM with this initiative we will be at the forefront for the future that will undoubtedly be the day to day and our regular and future users will be able to handle it with knowledge. :blush:


He was invited, I hope he can join whenever he decide to.


I onboarded the founder of that project (MINTICKT), and I wish we can introduce it into LATAM.

Also the project developers are from LATAM @andresdom


People is tired, many OGs from LATAM tried to launch the LATAM HUB, lot of work… leaded by @claudioac and we are still here trying… getting blockade.

At least you are taking the proposal seriously and giving us feedback… but no one else?

It feels a waste of time really.

Anyway, thank you.

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The proposal and the DAO were updated :+1:


Hi Fritz, HoM members are taking care of every proposal.

Cameron is supporting your proposal, and i’m supporting this one too, with the change made.


On chain poll created



let’s Near grow and develop better every day


Thanks for the consideration!

Happy to see that Latam is trying one more time to growth the NEAR Ecosystem on the region. Since NEAR Hispano there were clear insights on how Latam can become a source of growth for NEAR.

In Open Web Academy we has been working with the community of Buidlers and Founders of Latam highly supported by NEAR by its different DAO’s.

Being honest, right now my times are limited, I’m happy to support when possible but right now I cannot take a council role. If possible, I can suggest as council my co-founder on OWA: @irvingcong, basically he has been leading and operating multiple events on Latam.

Sincerely, the best!


  • Add KPI’s to promote more developers, buidlers and founders to become active on NEAR
  • Review the budget based on previous point.

Thanks for the comment. At Open Web Academy we have remained active working with NEAR technology from different fronts. I am excited to see the plan that exists for LATAM and I am excited to collaborate as a council and at some point promote the integration of new developers into the ecosystem.


lets work together i will contact you :muscle: