Dear creatives community @creativesdao-council, Near x Art is excited to announce its intent to represent Near and its creative community in the forthcoming Eth Milan event.
Dao Introduction:
NearXart is a decentralized autonomous organization that focuses on several initiatives that range from creating utility NFTs to empowering creatives and giving back to the community.
The organization started with the long-term vision of an art enthusiast and also an artist named Abdulkareem.
He realized that there has been little coverage of local artists and their talent, and he believes with the emergence of blockchain, which has brought to life NFT, any local artist can advertise their talent out there. In a quest to solve this problem, Kareem set up NearXart as a channel to help creatives monetize their work and get the accolades they deserve.
In this present world, a whol lot of people have been earning from NFT, either as artists or investors. But this doesn’t really get to the local artists because most don’t understand the new technology and how it can elevate their business and also their talent.
Our objective in attending Eth Milan event is to showcase the richness and versatility in African arts and of local creatives building & utilizing with Near’s blockchain to a global audience. We aim to achieve the following from Eth Milan event:
Give visibility to over 100+ NFTs produced and stored on Near BOS by our local artist since the inception of Near x Art Dao.
Awareness and Education: We aim to educate attendees on the value and importance of creatives in any field, using Near Protocol as a case study. We aim to raise awareness for the contribution of Near x Art and Creatives Dao in onboarding of creatives into web 3 and revolutionizing the world to become Decentralized without neglecting creatives.
Exhibition of our one of one Wood collage NFT of art that gives a unique perspective of NFTs through its oneness.
Network with prospective investors, creatives and art lovers that is looking forward to onboard into Near creatives dao.
Represent a large number of local artistes in Africa and shed more light on opportunities for creatives in web3, African art cultural and historical background.
- @Supercoolkay : Founder of Near x Art Dao. He is a 2nd generation curator of wood collage art in the world. A web 3 enthusiast with so much passion in community building and aligning people with the goal of decentralization.
He has garnered a lot of experience in community management, artist management, event planning, social media moderation, content creation and community building.
Successfully facilitated 20+ people to represent Near in a global web 3 event. He has been a major driver in onboarding about 500+ people to the ecosytem.
He has worked with several projects within and out of the Near ecosystem. Since the inception of Near x Art, Supercoolkay has helped over 40+ artist earn a living with their works.
His unique approach to onboarding as made the easy transition of over 500+ creatives into web 3 through series of onboarding event organized by him. The likes of Paint & Chill with Near, ghetto photography, pet & wildlife bounty, art creation workshops, spoken word bounty.
- @Yekin
A web 3 enthusiast with a background in event planning, art creation and community management. He has the passion to contribute to the development of a more sustainable web3, blockchain use cases and NFT real life application.
He is an experienced wood collage art curator and is deep rooted in culture and history of Arts in Africa. His knowledge and contribution to Near x Art since its inception has refined and scaled the Daos unique approach to onboarding newbies and creatives to Near ecosystem.
Yekeen has helped Near x Art in onboarding, educating and packing of our real-life events, workshop and seminars. @Yekin
Eth Milan event will foster the interoperability of Near Creatives dao with other ecosystem.
Visibility for our utility NFTs
Showcase the richness and productive contribution of Near x Art community to a global audience.
Opportunities for our local artists to showcase their works.
Near x Art community growth and development
Learn and stay up to date with the revolutionary plan of various web 3 ecosystem and learn how to integrate them with Near.
A great avenue to meet with our friends and fellow contributors in the Near ecosystem
Flight Cost: $2,000 for two passengers.
We are grateful and excited for this opportunity. We are happy to always contribute to the growth pf Near.
Thank you @creativesdao-council
Target wallet: nearxart.sputnik-dao.near