[PAY OUTS] Fractal Atmosphere June 18 2022 Event ( MAY FUNDS )

Hi to all!

We are hosting an event that going to happen on the June 18th in Tuga Natura Barreiro. You can find all the info here:

For this expecific project we done in May the following Pay Outs:

MAIN STAGE Pay Outs: 7 X 300 USD.
With the funds requested we done onboarding of the artists announced bellow within the Near Protocol. We want to bring more artists to the community in order to expand it.

(Kaboom Music / Hipnotic Tribe Records)
Paid 300 USD to - forbia.near

-Methodic Marble
(Sonic Tantra)
Paid 300 USD to - methodicmarble.near

(Kunayala Records)
Paid 300 USD to - keramik.near

(Noise Poison Records)
Paid 300 USD - nyotechnoisepoison.near

-Papa Forest
Paid 300 USD - capetaxnl.near

(Changa Records)
Paid 300 USD - umhume.near

-Double Shift
(Ohmnium Records)
Paid 300 USD - doubleshift.near


BRACELETS PRINTING: paid 300 USD to - lunatikculture.near - inevitable converted to EUROS because the printer company dont accept any kind of crypto currency
With Bracelets Printing we mean that we printed the artwork of the event in the tissue bracelets using the following platform:
Everyone that enters the event gonna have this gift that make them remember about the event


Best Regards

Changa Records DAO