[On hold] BUIDL RC dashboard

Title: RC DAO Dashboard

Date: Oct, 22, 2023

Agung Djs (Kuhaku.near)

Organization: pipapo team

1. Summary

  • Project Description: The project aims to develop a system that presents data from regional communities via dashboards. This will primarily involve monitoring on-chain activities and establishing key metrics for these communities. The team’s objectives include attributing events and activities to specific communities, creating standardized methods for tracking user engagement and project activity, and exploring gamification and incentives to boost community participation.
  • Funding Requested: $4,900

Implementation Timeline: 4 weeks - 6 weeks

2. Background

  • Problem Statement: To create a system that can effectively collect and display data from regional communities through user-friendly dashboards. This initiative is motivated by a need to closely monitor on-chain activities and establish vital performance metrics for these communities.
  • Objective: The project aims to develop a system that presents data from regional communities via dashboards.

3. Project Description

  • Scope: The project involves the establishment of a comprehensive monitoring and tracking system for the hub’s activities and ecosystem. It includes the collection and analysis of various key performance indicators to assess the hub’s overall performance and user engagement. The specific activities and strategies to be undertaken include:
  1. Monthly Active Users: Tracking the number of unique users actively engaging with the hub’s activities and events on a monthly basis.
  2. Wallets Created: Monitoring the total number of wallets created within the hub’s ecosystem.
  3. Deployments: Recording the number of successful deployments of projects or contracts initiated by the hub.
  4. BOS: Mapping wallet addresses to the project name and/or hub that deploys widgets on the BOS platform.
  5. Active Development: Keeping track of the number of ongoing projects or contracts that are actively being developed by the hub.
  6. NFT Engagement: Monitoring the number of NFTs bought, sold, or distributed by the hub’s community members.
  7. DApp Usage: Measuring the frequency and duration of users’ interactions with dApps associated with the hub.
  8. Days Active: Counting the number of days a user remains active within the hub’s ecosystem.
  9. User Invitations: Tracking the number of new users acquired through referrals or invitations by existing community members.
  10. Virality Factor: Measuring how frequently users invite others and the subsequent engagement of the invited users.
  11. Developer Activity: Keeping tabs on the number of developers actively developing and deploying projects within the hub’s ecosystem.
  12. Number of Events Visited: Allowing users to check-in, scan a QR code, or receive a POAP (Proof of Attendance Protocol) at events.
  • Key Stakeholders: The key stakeholders involved or impacted by this project include:
  1. Hub Administrators: Responsible for overseeing and managing the hub’s ecosystem, tracking and optimizing user engagement and activity.
  2. Developers: Involved in the development and deployment of projects and contracts within the hub.
  3. Community Members: Users actively engaging with the hub’s activities and events, creating wallets, inviting new users, and participating in NFT transactions and DApp interactions.
  4. Referral Network: Users who refer new members to the hub’s community, impacting the user acquisition aspect of the project.
  5. External Audiences: The project may also be of interest to external parties, such as investors or partners, who want to assess the hub’s performance and activity metrics.

This project aims to provide valuable insights into the hub’s ecosystem and enhance its overall performance, engagement, and community development.

4. Budget

  • Total Cost: $4,900
  • Funding Request:

Senior Backend Engineer (1):

  • 1 Senior Engineer x 4 weeks x 20 hours per week x $35 per hour (average) = $2,800

Junior/Helper Backend Engineer (1):

  • 1 Junior/Helper Engineer x 4 weeks x 20 hours per week x $20 per hour (average) = $1,600

UI Designer (1):

  • 1 Designer x 4 weeks x 10 hours per week x $20 per hour (simple task) = $400

Unforeseen expenses and contingencies: $100

5. Implementation Plan


  • Week 1: Project Initiation and Planning

  • Days 1-2: Project Kickoff and Team Setup

  1. Assemble the project team.
  2. Define roles and responsibilities.
  3. Establish communication channels.
  • Days 3-5: Detailed Project Planning
  1. Develop a detailed project plan.
  2. Define project scope, objectives, and requirements.
  3. Identify key milestones and deliverables.
  • Week 2: Backend Development

  • Days 1-10: Backend Development

  1. Senior backend engineer leads the development effort.
  2. Helper backend engineer assists and learns during the process.
  3. Regular code reviews and collaboration.
  • Week 3: UI Design and Integration

  • Days 1-14: UI Design and Integration

  1. UI designer works on the user interface design.
  2. Backend engineers integrate the UI into the project.
  3. Testing and refinement of the UI.
  • Week 4: Testing, Debugging, and Deployment

  • Days 1-5: Testing and Debugging

  1. Thorough testing of the system.
  2. Identification and resolution of any issues or bugs.
  • Days 6-7: Final Touches
  1. Fine-tuning the system for performance and usability.
  • Days 8-20: Deployment and Optimization
  1. Deploy the project on-chain.
  2. Monitor and optimize system performance.
  • Week 5: Final Testing and Handover (if needed)

  • Days 1-7: Final Testing and Quality Assurance

  1. Comprehensive system testing.
  2. Final QA checks.
  • Days 8-20: Client Review and Handover (if required)
  1. Present the project to the client for review and feedback.
  2. Address any client requests or modifications.
  • Milestones:

  • Project Kickoff (End of Week 1): Team is assembled, project plan is finalized.

  • Backend Development Completion (End of Week 2): Backend development phase is complete.

  • UI Design and Integration Completion (End of Week 3): User interface design is finished, and UI is integrated.

  • Testing and Debugging Completion (End of Week 4): System is thoroughly tested and debugged.

  • Deployment and Optimization (End of Week 4): The project is deployed on-chain, and system performance is optimized.

  • Final Testing and Handover (if needed) (End of Week 5): Final testing, client review, and project handover (if required).

6. Evaluation and Measurement

  • Success Criteria:

  • Completion of Key Features: The successful implementation of the system’s key features, as outlined in the project scope, will be a primary success factor.

  • On-Chain Functionality: The system’s successful deployment on-chain, with all functionalities and components working as intended, is a critical success criterion.

  • User Engagement: Success will be measured by the increase in Monthly Active Users (MAU), with a specific target number defined as a key performance indicator.

  • Operational Efficiency: The project should achieve efficient operations and accurate tracking of activities. A lower deployment time for projects or contracts should also be a success criterion.

  • NFT and DApp Metrics: The successful tracking and engagement with NFTs and DApps, as well as maintaining a certain level of usage and transactions, will indicate success.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Continuously monitor and evaluate KPIs, such as Monthly Active Users, Wallets Created, Deployments, NFT Engagement, and DApp Usage, to track the project’s progress.

  • User Feedback and Surveys: Collect feedback from community members and users to evaluate their satisfaction, understand their needs, and make improvements.

  • Code Reviews and Testing: Regular code reviews, automated testing, and manual testing are essential for evaluating the quality and reliability of the system.

  • Client or Stakeholder Reviews: Organize regular reviews with the client and key stakeholders to ensure that the project aligns with their expectations and to make any necessary adjustments.

7. Risks and Mitigation Strategies

  • Risks:

  • Technical Complexity: The project may encounter technical challenges due to the complexity of on-chain development and integration.

  • Scope Creep: There’s a risk of the project’s scope expanding beyond the initial requirements, leading to delays and budget overruns.

  • Resource Constraints: Availability and performance of the project team may be affected by unforeseen factors, such as illness or other commitments.

  • Security Vulnerabilities: On-chain projects are susceptible to security risks, including smart contract vulnerabilities or attacks.

  • User Adoption: Achieving the desired level of user engagement and adoption may be challenging.

  • Mitigation:

  • Technical Expertise: Ensure that the team includes experienced blockchain developers with expertise in on-chain development. Conduct regular code reviews and testing to identify and address technical challenges early.

  • Change Control Process: Implement a strict change control process to manage scope. Any proposed changes should be thoroughly evaluated for their impact on the timeline and budget. Obtain client approval for changes.

  • Resource Planning: Have a contingency plan in place for resource constraints, such as cross-training team members or having backup developers on standby. Maintain open communication with team members to address personal constraints promptly.

  • Security Audits: Perform thorough security audits, code reviews, and testing to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities. Follow best practices for secure smart contract development. Stay updated on the latest security threats and mitigation techniques.

  • User Engagement Strategy: Develop a clear user engagement strategy that includes gamification, incentives, and regular communication with the community. Encourage user participation through targeted marketing and user education.

8. Conclusion

  • Summary: This project represents a significant step in the evolution of the blockchain ecosystem, with its focus on leveraging the capabilities of BOS (Blockchain Operating System) to drive innovation and community engagement. By developing a robust system for monitoring and enhancing the performance of regional communities, it seeks to empower the wider blockchain community with data-driven insights and tools for fostering user engagement. The significance of this endeavor is reflected in its potential to not only advance the BOS ecosystem but also to contribute to the broader blockchain space.
  • Call to Action: This project holds immense promise in advancing the capabilities of blockchain technology, particularly on the BOS platform. We humbly request your support to bring this vision to fruition.

Our team is poised to drive innovation and create a system that will significantly impact the BOS ecosystem and the wider blockchain community.

9. Appendix

  • Attachments: The detailed project proposal along with supporting documentation and references in the following Google Docs link: Regional Communities Dashboard

10. Contact Information

And we extend our gratitude to @jlwaugh for his valuable assistance and guidance. Our team is committed to delivering, and we also welcome others to fork our BOS components and participate in enhancing the RC dashboard. We hope to witness the growth of this project into a broader ecosystem initiative!


Hi @agungdjs thanks for the proposal - I appreciate what you’re aiming to do here in the name of transparency and in support of regional communities. I also would like to see more support for regional communities in general within the ecosystem. That said, in my view this is out of scope for the MarketingDAO currently.

Here is a link to the MarketingDAO Guidelines for October that were posted on the forum. They contain the NDC’s KPIs we are asked to focus on for allocating this month’s funds.

While we are focused on funding initiatives that leverage BOS, our purpose as defined in our charter is not to fund development directly, but rather to support the marketing and growth initiatives of ecosystem projects and measure the success of those according to the guidelines recommended by the NDC and NF.

For that reason, I can’t support this proposal.

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Hello @agungdjs please put on hold the proposal since RCDAO not yet approved in NDC v1

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