OLGA - Delegate Proposal

A. Delegation Address:


B. Forum Username:


C. Twitter Username:


D. Website (optional):


E. Target Voting Participation:

100% (excluding proposals where I’d have conflicts of interest)

F. History of Interactions with NEAR Protocol:

I gave 3 workshops on NEAR, governance, token, and a DAO She is Near.

I also publish content on @NearXplorers.

G. History of Governance Participation (in NEAR or other ecosystems):

I am currently an ambassador for the Filecoin Orbit program, where I actively participate by sharing content in Spanish. My activities include translating articles, creating informational threads, and other initiatives to spread information related to Filecoin.

H. Top 3 Priorities for the NEAR Ecosystem:

Scalability and low cost in DeFi: NEAR focuses on providing scalable, low-cost infrastructure for DeFi applications, such as lending, exchanges, and decentralized insurance, enabling high transaction volumes at a low cost.

Interoperability between blockchains: NEAR prioritizes interoperability with other networks like Ethereum, facilitating collaboration and asset flow across different blockchain ecosystems.

Simplified user experience: NEAR aims to ease adoption by offering user-friendly interfaces, simplified registration and transaction processes, and easy-to-use wallets for those unfamiliar with blockchain technology.

I. Reasoning for any past votes in the NEAR Ecosystem:

Not relevant voting made by me on the NEAR Ecosystem

J. Conflicts of Interest: None

K. Answer Hypothetical Delegate Scenario:

Proposal to fund a support fund for developers to create new decentralized applications (dApps) on NEAR. This fund would be intended to finance up to 50% of the development cost for teams submitting innovative proposals.

Proposal to implement a reward system for active users participating in NEAR applications. These users would receive NEAR tokens for their active participation, with the goal of incentivizing the use and retention of existing platforms.

Proposal to establish strategic partnerships with companies in the traditional sector that are interested in integrating NEAR’s blockchain technology into their operations. This approach would include the creation of a support network to facilitate the enterprise adoption of NEAR.

Key metrics to evaluate the proposals:

Growth of dApp adoption: Measure the number of new applications being launched and their impact on the community. Success will be measured by the number of active developers and the adoption of their applications.

User retention rate: Evaluate how the reward system affects user retention within existing platforms.

Strategic partnerships and enterprise adoption: Analyze the number of companies adopting NEAR blockchain technology and assess the long-term impact on the network’s visibility.

Support and final vote:

For the developer support fund proposal: I would vote in favor if clear criteria are presented for project selection, with a strategy for tracking success over the long term. This proposal has the potential to foster a vibrant ecosystem of dApps on NEAR, which would benefit the growth of the network.

For the reward system for active users proposal: I would support the proposal if it guarantees that the rewards are sustainable and includes mechanisms to prevent abuse. User retention and activity are key to the success of DeFi platforms and dApps in the NEAR ecosystem.

For the strategic partnerships with companies proposal: I would support this proposal if the selected partners can truly integrate NEAR’s technology in a meaningful way, which would in turn increase the visibility and adoption of blockchain in the business world. Strategic partnerships are essential to drive mass adoption of the technology.

In general, I would support proposals that promote sustainable growth and contribute to the long-term development of the NEAR ecosystem, evaluating their impact with clear and growth-oriented metrics.

L. What is your motivation for becoming a NEAR delegate?

My motivation to become a NEAR delegate is to add value to the ecosystem, with a focus on contributing to the growth of the community in Latin America, promoting the empowerment of women in the tech and blockchain space.

M. Anticipated delegation support : N/A

5. Self-Assessment Criteria

Score (X/10) - please include two sentences of notes minimum per category

A. Experience (2/2)

Experience may be smart contract development, DAO governance, protocol growth, community development, DeFi market operations, or other relevant backgrounds for the House of Stake.


  • 2 - Strong and relevant professional experience within the blockchain industry.
  • 1 - Light experience in any of the above categories.
  • 0 - No relevant experience.

Notes: As the leader of a Web3 project focused on the inclusion of women within the blockchain space, I have solid experience in community development and protocol growth. My work involves creating and managing initiatives within the blockchain ecosystem, where I have contributed to fostering a diverse and active community. Through my participation, I have driven the growth of projects and protocols, ensuring that the voices of all participants, especially women, are heard in decision-making processes. This experience has allowed me to gain deep knowledge of the space and places me in a strong position to add value in the House of Stake.

B. Diversity of Perspective (X/2)


  • 2 - The Delegate brings a unique perspective to the House of Stake compared to other delegates.
  • 1 - The Delegate brings an underrepresented perspective to the House of Stake.
  • 0 - The Delegate brings a common perspective to the House of Stake.

Notes:As an active member of a women’s community, I bring a unique and enriching perspective to the House of Stake. The experiences, challenges, and achievements of women within the ecosystem are often underrepresented, and my participation helps to highlight the specific needs and aspirations of this group. My approach contributes to creating an inclusive and diverse space, promoting gender equity, and encouraging greater representation of women’s voices in the decision-making process. This perspective is crucial to ensure that the ecosystem is truly inclusive and takes into account all groups, not just the most represented.

C. Alignment with NEAR Ecosystem (X/2)


  • 2 - The delegate is an active builder in the NEAR ecosystem with strong alignment. They will benefit enormously if NEAR grows.
  • 1 - The delegate has some commitment to the NEAR ecosystem
  • 0 - The delegate has no alignment with the NEAR ecosystem.

Notes: My alignment with the NEAR ecosystem is very strong, as I am an active part of the community, promoting the adoption of NEAR through content in Spanish and fostering the growth of the network. As a NEAR ambassador, my efforts are fully aligned with the goal of seeing the ecosystem grow, and this growth directly benefits my work and the community I support.

D. Governance Engagement (2/2)


  • 2 - The delegate has a strong track record of participating in the governance of NEAR or other ecosystems. The delegate was an active voter, vocal in the forums, and helped drive initiatives.
  • 1—The delegate has participated in governance in NEAR or other ecosystems. This may have included voting, posting in the forums, or contributing to initiatives unpaid.
  • 0 - The delegate has no track record of participation in onchain governance.

Notes:I have a strong commitment to the NEAR ecosystem, which is reflected in my active collaboration with the She is NEAR DAO, where I participate in initiatives that promote inclusion and community growth, especially for women in the blockchain space. Additionally, I have created and managed an account on X (formerly Twitter) dedicated exclusively to providing content and information in Spanish, promoting the adoption of NEAR and educating the Spanish-speaking community about its benefits and opportunities. My work is directly aligned with NEAR’s objectives, and as an active builder within its ecosystem, I will greatly benefit from the network’s growth and expansion.

E. Conflicts of Interest (2/2)


  • 2 - The delegate has no direct or indirect conflicts of interest with the House of Stake.
  • 1 - The delegate has an indirect conflict of interest with the House of Stake.
  • 0 - The delegate has a direct conflict of interest with the House of Stake.

Notes:I have no direct or indirect conflicts of interest with the House of Stake. My commitment to the ecosystem and the initiatives I participate in is based on transparency, impartiality, and the desire to contribute to collective growth. My participation is focused on adding value and fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment, with no interests that could conflict with the mission and objectives of the House of Stake.

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