NEAR Digital Collective Steward - Blaze for Consideration and Vote

Thanks for taking the initiative to actually move the needle @blaze – while I do believe the ideal approach is to elect someone for any position of influence from a pool of candidates but we also need stewards who can take ownership and rally contributors to get things done. Blaze has been a contributor in the ecosystem since day one and has demonstrated his alignment with NEAR’s values through his numerous contributions.

I would suggest replacing the word President with Steward since we don’t have anything on paper regarding the responsibilities and key positions in the NDC framework yet.

I will encourage more contributors to step forward to build the NDC infrastructure. We need all hands on deck! Myself and other NEAR Core contributors will be happy to help wherever possible and needed to shepherd the successful landing of this historic framework.

A quick side note: let’s not cheapen the community discourse by posting uncalled for memes and personal attacks against anyone who takes an initiative. The governance forum is a public forum and the quality of discussions here can significantly influence people’s impression of our community.


Please find the title and text updated to “Steward” based on @chronear’s and the communities feedback. With this in mind, I will leave the poll in place as it indicates the community’s support.

cc @zavodil


Yes for you partner, full support. Thanks for leading the initiative.

I will just add:

The second voting poll is not that good indicator as many of your supporters might not see it.

You already kick started this efforts, just let us know how to keep helping, after we make it there will be a DAO, system will be improved from forum to DAO, and new votes will be done there.

Big hug.


I strongly support Blaze’s candidacy. He is a person who has very clear ideas and values that coincide with the NEAR community, in my humble opinion he is the right person to lead this initiative. I have complete confidence in his abilities to carry it forward, time will judge this position, but all my support goes to the future leader of NDC, Blaze!


People are pretty mean here. Bummer. Blaze is the most OG community member I can recall. Since well before mainnet if I recall.

Less fighting, more collaboration and building, friends.


I agree with Mike and it’s a shame people are being so mean. Blaze is an incredible contributor of the ecosystem and has played a HUGE role in launching the protocol.

I strongly support his campaign and suggest people be nicer here.

@Dacha I’d love to learn more about you! Are you coming to NEARCON and/or can you drop any social channels / projects that highlight your past experience?


GM @Cameron and @mikedotexe , some mean comments do not represent the whole NEAR community nor its culture. Please refer the word “people” in specific individuals since there are folks like me and others who supported @blaze but there are individuals who has different ideas and background which might led to a lack of informations about @blaze.


Hi everyone, I’m not clear on what has been decided so far. :sparkles: I suggest experimenting with a community of lead council members that rotate out quarterly to new leadership in a staggered order so there is always experienced leadership to mentor incoming leadership. I’m for respectful courteous communication with fellow community members. The loudest voices and constant presence aren’t necessarily the best choice for leadership or a healthy community. Sometimes these very folks are tyrants in the making with their minions cheering them on. I’m certain there are folks within the community that bring tremendous value but maintain a low profile because they are focused on meaningful engagement, kindness, and sustainable growth. It would be valuable to the greater NEAR community to encourage these folks to step into community leadership. I’m looking forward to discovering together the amazing folks that we have yet to recognize. :partying_face: :bulb: :star: