Near Digital Collective is HIRING! Be a part of NDC team!

Hello Near Community,
I would like to apply for a position “Near Digital Collective operations lead”.
My experience in crypto since 2014 and my management & leadership background fits well with requirements for this position:

Head of BI, Aurora Labs

  • Ownership of the Grants Program in the Ecosystem
  • Leading the Ecosystem development
  • Market and Competitors researches

Head of Bitfury Labs

I created software R&D department in Bitfury from scratch:

  • Exonum: Award-winning framework for enterprise blockchain solutions
  • Crystal Analytics: Digital currency compliance platform
  • Peach: A digital currency payments in Lightning Network technology

As Head of Bitfury Labs, my responsibilities were to:

  • Identify promising products through detailed trendspotting and research
  • Create and manage R&D teams, up to 150 people overall
  • Collaborate with sales and marketing departments to package product

From my perspective Ops lead should provide community roadmap with milestones, so budget will be distributed according the roadmap. My current vision based on the budget prepared by HoM:

  1. Update the Election Procedure.
    1.1 First milestone: a new election procedure, developed jointly by NDC members with
    community participation, approved by CoA and HoM. Tentative budget ~10k.
    1.2 Second milestone: implementation of the election procedure on the level of smart contracts; it’s review and validation. Tentative budget ~50k.
    1.3 Third milestone: preparation and implementation of the new procedure within the next NDC elections. Tentative budget ~50k.
    1.4 Fourth milestone: proper handover of the NDC to the next cadence. Tentative budget ~10k.

Total 120k out of 150k in the budget. We will clarify and confirm the budget as soon as we choose tech team from Near community.

  1. Streamline NDC Operations:
    2.1 NDC Operations Legal Setup. Tentative budget ~60k
    2.2 Governance Framework Analysis and Improvements. Tentative budget ~30k
    2.3 Setup the Team(s) and Team Process. Tentative budget ~40k
    Total 130k out of 200k in the budget. We will focus on efficient manner of delivery, i.e. to do more with less.

I’m impressed by NDC approach and I’ll be glad to be part of executive team.

Alex Botezatu